
JavaScript library for the ZeppelinOS smart contract platform
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ZeppelinOS JavaScript Library (zos-lib)

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JavaScript library for the ZeppelinOS smart contract platform.

ZeppelinOS is a platform to develop, deploy and operate smart contract projects on Ethereum and every other EVM and eWASM-powered blockchain.

This is the repository for the ZeppelinOS JavaScript library. It is mainly used by the zos command-line interface, which is the recommended way to use ZeppelinOS; but this library can also be used directly to operate ZeppelinOS projects when a programmatic interface is preferred or more flexibility and lower-level access is required.


First, install Node.js and npm. Then, install the ZeppelinOS JavaScript Library running:

npm install zos-lib


Suppose there is a contract called MyContract in the file contracts/MyContract.sol, already compiled to build/contracts/MyContract.json, and that there is a development blockchain network running locally in port 9545.

Open a Node.js console:

> const { ZWeb3, Contracts, SimpleProject } = require('zos-lib')
> // Initialize a web3 provider.
> ZWeb3.initialize("http://localhost:9545")
> // Load the contract.
> const MyContract = Contracts.getFromLocal('MyContract')
> // Instantiate a project.
> myProject = new SimpleProject('MyProject', { from: await ZWeb3.defaultAccount() })
> // Create a proxy for the contract.
> myProject.createProxy(MyContract).then(proxy => myProxy = proxy)
> // Make a change on the contract, and compile it.
> const MyContractUpgraded = Contracts.getFromLocal('MyContract')
> myProject.upgradeProxy(proxy, MyContractUpgraded)


If you find a security issue, please contact us at [email protected]. We give rewards for reported issues, according to impact and severity.





To contribute, join our community channel on Telegram where you can talk to all the ZeppelinOS developers, contributors, partners and users.

You can also follow the recent developments of the project in our blog and Twitter account.


MIT © Zeppelin


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 4/12/2019
