
A module to normalize error messages from Z-Schema error reports
json-schema errors


A module to normalize error messages from Z-Schema error reports.


npm install z-schema-errors


This module aims to standarize how messages are created for reports. It:

  • Automatically transforms nested properties and array elements in path into a friendly notation that can be understood by programmers. For example path: '#/items/[0]' becomes items[0].
  • Extracts the first nested array in params.
  • Allows users to customize message format on an error code basis, specifying where to place different properties using macros. Supported macros are: {message}, {path}, {description}, {params[i]}.

    The value of i in params must be the index of the element in the params array. If params is not an array then use params[0].

  • Allows users to provide a contextMessage to be included in all errors through the {contextMessage} macro.
  • Allows user to specify how the values for {message}, {path}, {description}, {params[i]} are generated.

To check the defaults take a look at the source code.

Basic usage

Use this if you want to get quickly started:

var ZSchema = require('z-schema');
var ZSchemaErrors = require('z-schema-errors');

var validator = new ZSchema();
var reporter = ZSchemaErrors.init();

var isValid = validator.validate(json, schema);

if (!isValid){
    // {
    //    errors:
    //    [
    //          {
    //              code: 'ENUM_MISMATCH',
    //              params: [ 'invalid_value' ],
    //              description: 'The elements'
    //              path: '#/elements',
    //          }
    //     ]
    // };

    var errorMessage = reporter.extractMessage({ report: validator.lastReport });

    // prints "An error occurred 'Invalid property \"invalid_value\"' on property elements (The elements)."

Customizing the format of messages

If you want more control over how the message is created:

var ZSchema = require('z-schema');
var ZSchemaErrors = require('z-schema-errors');

var validator = new ZSchema();
var reporter = ZSchemaErrors.init({
    formats: {
        'INVALID_TYPE': '{path} has an invalid type. Error: {message}'

var isValid = validator.validate(json, schema);

if (!isValid){
    // {
    //    errors:
    //    [
    //          {
    //              code: 'INVALID_TYPE',
    //              path: '#/items/[0]',
    //              description: 'The item',
    //              message: 'Expected type number but found type string'
    //          }
    //     ]
    // };
    var errorMessage = reporter.extractMessage({ report: validator.lastReport });

    // prints "items[0] has an invalid type. Error: Expected type number but found type string"

Customizing macro values

If you want more control over how each macro value is determined:

var ZSchema = require('z-schema');
var ZSchemaErrors = require('z-schema-errors');

var validator = new ZSchema();
var reporter = ZSchemaErrors.init({
    extractors: {
        description: function(args){ return 'Description: ' + args.part; }

var isValid = validator.validate(json, schema);

if (!isValid){
    // {
    //    errors:
    //    [
    //          {
    //              code: 'INVALID_TYPE',
    //              path: '#/items/[0]',
    //              description: 'The item',
    //              message: 'Expected type number but found type string'
    //          }
    //     ]
    // };
    var errorMessage = reporter.extractMessage({ report: validator.lastReport });

    // prints "An error occurred 'Expected type number but found type string' on property items[0] Description: The item."

Customizing the context message

If you want to change the context message:

var ZSchema = require('z-schema');
var ZSchemaErrors = require('z-schema-errors');

var validator = new ZSchema();
var reporter = ZSchemaErrors.init({
    contextMessage: 'Error!!!'


var isValid = validator.validate(json, schema);

if (!isValid){
    // {
    //    errors:
    //    [
    //          {
    //              code: 'INVALID_TYPE',
    //              path: '#/items/[0]',
    //              description: 'The item',
    //              message: 'Expected type number but found type string'
    //          }
    //     ]
    // };
    var errorMessage = reporter.extractMessage({ report: validator.lastReport });

    // prints ""Error!!! 'Expected type number but found type string' on property items[0] (The item)."

Missing parts

You probably want to avoid generating some characters if a part is missing. Given a part, such as {path}, if the output for it is empty you can specify {^path} and {$path} so the content between the two will be removed.

If the beggining and end of different parts intersect, then one must be a superset of the other.

For example, given the default format "DEFAULT: '{context} \'{message}\'{^path} on property {path}{^description} ({description}){$description}{$path}.'" the following code snippet results in:

var error = {
    code: 'INVALID_TYPE',
    description: 'The item',
    message: 'Expected type number but found type string',

var message = reporter.extractMessage({ report: { errors: [error] } });
console.log(message); // prints "An error occurred 'Expected type number but found type string'."

Note that the description is also missing, even if it is available in the message.

Context for extractors

In some scenarios you might require additional information in order to create error messages (e.g. the HTTP route that failed validation). That can be passed as the context parameter:

var ZSchema = require('z-schema');
var ZSchemaErrors = require('z-schema-errors');

var validator = new ZSchema();
var reporter = ZSchemaErrors.init({
    extractors: {
        description: function(args){ return args.context.show_description ? ('Description: ' + d) : 'none'; }

var isValid = validator.validate(json, schema);

if (!isValid){
    // {
    //    errors:
    //    [
    //          {
    //              code: 'INVALID_TYPE',
    //              path: '#/items/[0]',
    //              description: 'The item',
    //              message: 'Expected type number but found type string'
    //          }
    //     ]
    // };
    var errorMessage = reporter.extractMessage({ report: validator.lastReport, context: { show_description: true } });

    // prints "An error occurred 'Expected type number but found type string' on property items[0] Description: The item."


Pull requests and issues are more than welcome. When submitting a PR make sure to run the tests:

npm test
npm i z-schema-errors


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Damian Schenkelman
  • released 8/21/2015

