
A fast algorithm to hash string or binary file inspired by the JSW hash.
hash short url fast


A fast algorithm to hash string or binary file inspired by the JSW hash. Not likes md5 or sha1, the hash sum it creates is only about 6 chars (if you use base 70).

Useful when using it in the URL or table lookup.


  • Easy to control the length of the result hash value.

  • Lite and fast.

Other Language Implementations

I have implemented the core algorithm into 7 commonly used languages:

  • c
  • coffeescript
  • go
  • lua
  • php
  • python
  • ruby

Only the coffeescript one has full API.


  • Install
npm install ys-hash
  • Usage
var ys = require('ys-hash');
ys.hash('test'); // output => '349o'

var fs = require('fs');

// Control the hash char set.
ys.hash('test'); // output => 'decfddfe'

// Control the max length of the result hash value. Unit is bit.
ys.hash('test'); // output => 'ede'


Install it via Bower: bower install ys-hash.

Or download the js file from the release page: Release.

<script src='ys_hash.js'></script>
  ys_hash.hash('test'); // output => '349o'

CLI Tool

  • Install

    To use it as a command line tool, install it globally.

    npm install -g ys-hash
  • Usage

    Here are some examples.

    Print help information:

      ys-hash -h

    Hash string abc, it outputs 2csX:

      ys-hash abc

    Hash a jpg image file (it will automatically detect whether the passed in argument is a file or not):

      ys-hash a.jpg


Unit test

You must have installed mocha globally.

cake test

Collision test for 10 seconds random data

cake collision

Compare to some other hash algorithms

This is just a random test, you may need to test some real data before using it in project.

****** ys_hash *******
     sample: ["jg0ayq","nz9fb0","oa9iz1","4w5egf","dt7dsv","9wkm25","duu2j2","solh6y","z6rnbl","aa8ebp","g568a2"]
       time: 6.836s
 collisions: 0.000999999999995449%

****** rotating_hash *******
     sample: ["ahuz3","2hxrf3","k68zy","3cdf61","2857v2","fgua","3216o4","2i69dz","1ehpfn","1y46pv","3m1r0h"]
       time: 7.154s
 collisions: 48.626000000000005%

****** bjb2_hash *******
     sample: ["sdflvy","-g2j5ix","-1dsjyy","sezbl2","-wye5kw","-bdfy0t","-mudsaj","-4f3shn","-z1mxsl","-165mmr","q5oh58"]
       time: 16.718s
 collisions: 0.002000000000002%

****** fnv_hash *******
     sample: ["4ct07k","-pdrz0h","me11fv","t9px7i","-y120s","251qw7","h83axv","tob69f","eonk6","-6dkeny","elxam6"]
       time: 16.787s
 collisions: 0.000999999999995449%

****** oat_hash *******
     sample: ["-fg1gqa","-2k0tg","a391j2","1jd98xw","2dw8oj","-uldzx3","-t9m4me","-5z57og","6m0uqx","-17q8t0j","u8m0lo"]
       time: 19.028s
 collisions: 0.000999999999995449%

****** jsw_hash *******
     sample: ["-hm4rfv","vehfuu","jwf2v0","5c2oq3","-9xs2xt","p1ho2c","-ri84uf","op47br","-13wvwp","ek12tv","hrc6ki"]
       time: 15.702s
 collisions: 0.002999999999997449%

Road Map

  • Add more test cases.

The MIT License (MIT)

Apr 2014 ys


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • http://ysmood.org
  • released 6/14/2014

