
API client for official Yo API


A wrapper around the official Yo API, for both the browser and Node.js. Arr!


Browser Usage

Unfortunately, Yo has decided to not make their API routes CORS compatible right now. So, to use this in the browser, you'll need to use a CORS proxy. To do this, I've made it so you can set your own host. Take a look in the usage section below.



npm install yohoho


I personally recommend using Browserify on the npm module. However, you can also include dist/yohoho.js, which exposes itself as yohoho on the window.


Every function calls a callback function (err, body) {}. err is any error in the request, and body is the response from the server, or a boolean for a request that just indicates success.

var yohoho = require('yohoho'); // if you're using node/browserify

// grab an API token from http://dev.justyo.co/, if you don't have one
var yo = yohoho('API_TOKEN');

// if you're using this in the browser, you'll need to set the host to a CORS proxy. example:
var yo = yohoho('API_TOKEN', { host: 'http://www.corsproxy.com/api.justyo.co' });

// send a yo to an individual username from your API account
yo.yo('USERNAME', function (err, success) {
    // returns `true` when successful

// sends a yo to all of your subscribers from your API account
yo.yoAll(function (err, success) {
    // returns `true` when successful

// returns the amount of subscribers your API account has
yo.countSubscribers(function (err, subscribers) {
    // returns the number of subscribers


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Zach Bruggeman
  • released 7/10/2014

