
Lightweight JS/TS client for the YAZIO API. Track calories, log items, and build integrations easily.


A lightweight, zero-dependency JavaScript/TypeScript client for the undocumented YAZIO API. Easily track calories, log items, and integrate YAZIO into your projects.


Built to enable personal dashboards and calendar integrations for calorie tracking. Open-sourced for community benefit.

Getting Started


bun add yazio
npm install yazio


Here's a quick example of how to use yazio in your project:

// Basic Usage

import { Yazio } from "yazio";

const yazio = new Yazio({
  credentials: {
    username: "[email protected]",
    password: "super-secure-password",

const items = await getConsumedItems({ date: new Date(/* ... */) });
// Advanced Usage

import { Yazio } from "yazio";
import { kv } from "@vercel/kv";

const yazio = new Yazio({
  // Resolve cached tokens from KV. Tokens are stored and re-used from memory
  // as long as they are still valid.
  token: kv.get("tokens:[email protected]"),

  // If a fresh token was received, cache it.
  onRefresh: ({ token }) =>
    kv.set("tokens:[email protected]", JSON.stringify(token)),

  // If no token was fetched yet, exchange the credentials for a new token.
  credentials: {
    username: "[email protected]",
    password: "super-secure-password",

const summary = await yazio.user.getSummary({ date: new Date(/* ... */) });

See source code docs in src/index.ts for detailed usage. Documentation following shortly.

npm i yazio


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 4/24/2024

