
A lightweight terminal menu which both provides node classic and promise usage without any dependency

Yet Another Terminal Menu

A lightweight terminal menu which both provides node classic and promise usage without any dependency.


npm install --save yat-menu


var menu = require('yat-menu');
menu(items, [options], [callback])
  • items - string[] - Items to display
  • options - object - Options to use
  • callback - function - if not set, a promise will be returned

Available options:

  • clearOnEnd - boolean - Clear screen on end - default true
  • cursorOnEnd - boolean - Display cursor on end - default true
  • footer - string[]|string - Footer to display - if is a string, will be split on \n - default []
  • fullInverse - boolean - If true, complete selected line video will be inversed
  • header - string[]|string - Header to display - if is a string, will be split on \n - default []
  • inverse - boolean - If true, selected item video will be inversed
  • loop - boolean - if true, down on last entry go back to the first one, and top on first one go to the last one - default true
  • returnIndex - boolean - If true, returned value will be the selected index or -1 on exit - default false
  • searchTimeout - integer - Duration before reseting the search, disable search by setting 0 - default 1000
  • selected - integer - Initial selected index - default 0
  • selector - boolean - String to preset the selected item with - default >
  • prefix - string - String to preset the not selected item with - default empty

Keyboard usage:

  • UP / DOWN arrow: choose an item
  • LEFT / RIGHT arrow: choose an item on next page (when list is bigger than console)
  • ESC / CTRL + C: exit returning undefined
  • RETURN: exit returning the selected item

Header / Footer templating

Header & footer are always refreshed, and these values are usable:

  • {{index}} Current index (from 1 to items length)
  • {{total}} Items length
  • {{page}} Page Index (from 1 to ...)
  • {{pages}} Total page length
  • {{search}} Searched pattern
  • {{value}} Current value


By default, this library use the default node Promise library, but it is possible to force the use of any other library.


var menu = require('yat-menu');
menu.Promise = require('bluebird');

Example of use

menu(['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'], {header: 'Choose:', footer: 'selection: {{value}} ({{index}}/{{total}})'})
  .then(function (item) {
    if (item) {
        console.log('Selected: ', item);
    } else {
        console.log('No item selected');
  .catch(function (err) {

Example of use with colors and video inversion

Foreground color code available on this page
You also can use dedicated modules to play with color (color, chalk,...)

var original = '\x1b[39m';  // Set foreground color to default
var red = '\x1b[31m';       // Set foreground color to Red
var blue = '\x1b[34m';      // Set foreground color to Blue

var options = {
  header: 'Choose:',
  prefix: blue,
  selector: red + '> ',
  fullInverse: true,
  footer: 'selection: ' + red + '{{value}}' + original + ' ({{index}}/{{total}})'

menu(['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'], options)
  .then(function (item) {
    if (item) {
      console.log('Selected: ', item);
    } else {
      console.log('No item selected');
  .catch(function (err) {
npm i yat-menu


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jean-Baptiste Demonte
  • released 6/23/2018

