
Implements the much requested feature of installing packages without saving them with yarn.
yarn peerDeps add peerDependencies no-save --no-save


Implements the much requested feature of installing packages without saving them with yarn.

This package is intended to be used when testing packages that declare peerDependencies with yarn link but it can be used in many environments/situations.

NOTE: I am fully aware of the irony, but this package has actually proven useful to me more than once.

Getting started

Project Install

Add the module to your project:

$ yarn add yarn-add-no-save --dev

Run from the command line:

$ yarn add-no-save rollup [email protected]

Run from a script in your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "peer": "add-no-save --peer-deps"

Usage and available options can be found at:

$ yarn add-no-save --help

Global Install

Add the module globally:

$ yarn global add yarn-add-no-save

Run from the root folder of your project:

$ yarn-add-no-save rollup [email protected] --peer-deps

Usage and available options can be found at:

$ yarn-add-no-save --help


Usage: yarn-add-no-save [packages] [flags]


    --peer-deps, -p			 Automatically installs peer dependencies listed in the package.json file
    --peer-version <string|path>	 Used with --peer-deps: How to define which version of a package to install.
                     Either 'first', 'last', 'latest' or a path to a package.json from which the
                     version will be inferred. Default: latest
    --help, -h				 Displays help information (this message).
    --version, -v			 Displays the version of this utility.

  NOTE: All unrecognized options are forwarded to the `yarn add` command.
npm i yarn-add-no-save


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Dario Segura
  • released 5/20/2020

