
A lightweight wrapper for js-yaml to easily read yml files
nodejs yaml

YAML Reader

This is a lightweight reader of yaml files. It's only purpose is to read yaml files to use its attributes in a node app. Therefore it keeps simple and its dependencies low.

The asynchronous read provides promise based and callback based support, thus you can choose the style you like better.


yaml-reader is written in ECMA 6 (Node version 8.11.1). Be sure your node version can handle this or use babel for older node versions. No guarantee that everything works fine when using babel.


npm install --save yaml-reader


yaml-reader resolves the path from your project root onwards, i.e. lets assume the project structure given below. Then you will call yamlReader.read('configs/app-config.yml') wherever you want to read the yaml file. Thus the call will look the same in both bin/app.js and some/deep/project/path/someService.js.

+-- package.json
+-- README.md
+-- bin
+---- app.js
+-- some
+---- deep
+------ project
+-------- path
+---------- someService.js
+---- ...
+-- configs
+---- app-config.yml

Synchronous read

Read a yaml file synchronously. This is like requiring a json config file via require():

const config = require('yaml-reader').read('path/from/project/root/to/yml.yml');

Asynchronous read

You can also read a yaml asynchronously. The result will be returned as a Promise or, if a callback function is provided, with a callback.

Promise based:
const yamlReader = require('yaml-reader');

.then((config) => {
.catch((err) => {
Callback based:
const yamlReader = require('yaml-reader');

// without options, thus null as 2nd arg
yamlReader.readAsync('path/from/project/root/to/yml.yml', null, (err, config) => {
    if (err) {
    else {

In all cases you can pass in the encoding of the file with an option object. If this is not passed, utf8 will be used by default.

const options = {
    encoding: yamlReader.constants.ENCODING.UTF_16_LE
const config = require('yaml-reader').read('path/from/project/root/to/yml.yml', options);

// or async

yamlReader.readAsync('path/from/project/root/yml.yml', options, (err, config) => {

yamlReader.readAsync('path/from/project/root/yml.yml', options)
.then((config) => {


yamlReader.read(file [, options])

yamlReader.readYaml(file [, options])

Read a yaml file synchronously .

  • file <string> : The path to the yaml file to read. Resolves from project root onwards. Read "Usage" section to see how it is resolved if unclear
  • options <Object | null> : Options parsed to the reader
    • options.encoding <string | null>: The encoding of the yaml file. Is 'utf-8' by default. You can use yaml-reader.constants.ENCODING for supported encodings.
const config = require('yaml-reader').read('path/from/project/root/to/yml.yml');

Or with encoding specified:

const options = {
    encoding: yamlReader.constants.ENCODING.UTF_8
const config = require('yaml-reader').read('path/from/project/root/to/yml.yml', options);

yamlReader.readAsync(file [, options, callback])

yamlReader.readYamlAsync(file [, options, callback])

Read a yaml file asynchronously. The yaml attributes will be returned with a Promise.

  • file <string> : The path to the yaml file to read. Resolves from project root onwards. Read "Usage" section to see how it is resolved if unclear
  • options <Object | null> : Options parsed to the reader
    • options.encoding <string | null>: The encoding of the yaml file. Is 'utf-8' by default. You can use yaml-reader.constants.ENCODING for supported encodings.
  • callback <function | null> : An optional callback. If this is null the reader assumes you use Promises instead. So take care to use the promise syntax if you do not provide a callback.

The config is either returned as a Promise<Object>.resolve if the file was readable or rejected otherwise, or with the callback if invoked with a callback.

const yamlReader = require('yaml-reader');
const options = { ... }
// awaiting promises

yamlReader.readAsync('path/from/project/root/to/yml.yml', options)
.then((config) => {
    // access properties of your yaml
    // console.log(config.myProperty)
.catch((err) => {
    // handle errors (like FileNotFoundError)

// or with callback

yamlReader.readAsync('path/from/project/root/to/yml.yml', options, (err, config) => {
npm i yaml-reader


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Alex Sabau
  • released 6/13/2023

