
simple message queue bootstrap for xyz


Redis Simple Message Queue bootstrap function for xyz

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This module integrates xyz-core with RSMQ. It can be used for asynchronous messaging. It is highly flexible and can be added to any server in xyz. The beauty if this module is that the sender does not need to know about the receiver at all and works just as if it was sending a normal message. Let's see the big picture.

RMSQ info

The main operations of this bootstrap function can be summarized as follows:

  • A middleware will be injected into a server's listen route. This middleware will prevent the message to be delivered immediately to the service layer (usually by blocking _httpMessageEvent). Instead it will send the message to a redis queue.
  • The redis queue component will listen for new messages and will invoke the service layer when a new message arrives.

Let's see the same information in xyz's logs. If you run worker.js in test folder, you see:

____________________  TRANSPORT LAYER ____________________
  outgoing middlewares: [/CALL] || _httpExport[0] [/PING] || _httpExport[0]

  HTTPServer @ 3000 ::
    Middlewares: [/CALL] || _sendToRMSQueue[0] [/PING] || _pingEvent[0]

  UDPServer @ 3001 ::
    Middlewares: [/CALL_UDP] || _sendToRMSQueue[0]

As you see, both CALL and CALL_UDP routes have been registered to send their messages to the queue using _sendToRMSQueue. We will discuss these tests in more depth in the following sections.


First of all, you need to have the module installed.

$ npm install xyz.rsmq.single.bootstrap

and a redis server running

$ redis-server

Import the module and bootstrap your node with it.

var XYZ = require('xyz-core')
const _xyzRsmq = require('xyz.rsmq.single.bootstrap')

let worker = new XYZ({...})

// remove the default `httpEvent` middleware.
// note that it will work without this line since we call  `end()` in `_sendToQueue`

// bootstrap rsmq on HTTP server @ port 4000 and route 'call'
worker.bootstrap(_xyzRsmq, {
  qnmae: 'http_queue',
  serverId: {
    route: 'CALL'

// you can access the rsmq object using:
const rsmq = _xyzRsmq._rsmq

// register a dummy task
worker.register('/task/cpu', (payload) => {
  let num = 1
  for (let i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
    num = num * i
  rsmq.size((err, size) => {
    console.log(`/task/cpu done. remaining tasks in queuq: ${size}`)

And that's about it! If you send a message to /task/cpu, you see that it will be called on schedule using a Queue

Obviously, since this is async messaging, there will be no response in the second argument of .register(). This line of code will respond to it.


xyz.rsmq.single.bootstrap returns a single function that can be used to bootstrap both udp and http routes and servers. See and client.udp.js in /test folder for more detail.


If the HTTP version is being used, the message will be responded to the caller with:

response.end(JSON.stringify({message: `message added to queue at receiver [${}]`}))


Both the HTTP and UDP bootstrap functions can be configured using

ms.bootstrap(xyzRsmq, config)

where config can be:

option default value description
config.rsmqConfig see util/constants.js options passed to rsmq worker. see this page
config.qname xyz_rmsq name of the queue
config.serverId.route 5000 name of the route in target server
config.serverId.port port of the target server
config.mwIndex 0 index to insert sendToQueue() mw into

Test and Example

The test folder includes a full test where one worker.js will receive and enqueue messages from one client.js using HTTP and one client.udp.js using UDP.

You can run each node individually or run them all using xyz-cli using

xyz dev -c ./xyztestrc.json


