
Publish npm packages with fewer screw-ups
cli publish release tool


xyz simplifies the publishing of npm packages by replacing several manual steps with a single command:

$ xyz
Current version is 0.6.0. Press [enter] to publish [email protected].▌

Several things will happen if one elects to continue:

npm prune
npm test
env VERSION=0.6.1 node -e '
  var pkg = require("./package.json");
  pkg.version = process.env.VERSION;
  fs.writeFileSync("package.json", JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2) + "\n");
git add package.json
git commit --message 'Version 0.6.1'
git tag --annotate v0.6.1 --message 'Version 0.6.1'
git push --atomic origin refs/heads/main refs/tags/v0.6.1
env VERSION=0.6.1 PREVIOUS_VERSION=0.6.0 bash -c 'npm publish'


macOS Mojave, released in 2018, provides a version of Bash from 2007. xyz uses a feature added in Bash 4, released in 2009. macOS users should run brew install bash to install a compatible Bash version.


Usage: xyz [options]

Publish a new version of the npm package in the current working directory.
This involves updating the version number in package.json, committing this
change (along with any staged changes), tagging the commit, pushing to the
remote git repository, and finally publishing to the public npm registry.


-b --branch <name>
        Specify the branch from which new versions must be published.
        xyz aborts if run from any other branch to prevent accidental
        publication of feature branches. 'main' is assumed if this
        option is omitted.

-e --edit
        Allow the commit message to be edited before the commit is made.

-i --increment <level>
        Specify the level of the current version number to increment.
        Valid levels: 'major', 'minor', 'patch', 'premajor', 'preminor',
        'prepatch', and 'prerelease'. 'patch' is assumed if this option
        is omitted. Choosing one of the pre-releases causes the npm dist-tag
        to be set according to --prerelease-label.

-m --message <template>
        Specify the format of the commit (and tag) message.
        'X.Y.Z' acts as a placeholder for the version number.
        'Version X.Y.Z' is assumed if this option is omitted.

   --prerelease-label <label>
        Specify the label to be used in the version number when publishing
        a pre-release version (e.g. 'beta' is the label in '2.0.0-beta.0').
        'rc' is assumed if this option is omitted. If the release is a
        pre-release, as indicated by --increment, the --prerelease-label will
        be used to create an npm dist-tag for the release.

   --publish-command <command>
        Specify the command to be run to publish the package. It may refer
        to the VERSION and PREVIOUS_VERSION environment variables. A no-op
        command (':' or 'true') prevents the package from being published
        to a registry. 'npm publish' is assumed if this option is omitted.
        If this option is provided, the --prerelease-label will not be used
        to create an npm dist-tag for the release.

-r --repo <repository>
        Specify the remote repository to which to 'git push'.
        The value must be either a URL or the name of a remote.
        The latter is not recommended: it relies on local state.
        'origin' is assumed if this option is omitted.

-s --script <path>
        Specify a script to be run after the confirmation prompt.
        It is passed VERSION and PREVIOUS_VERSION as environment
        variables. xyz aborts if the script's exit code is not 0.

-t --tag <template>
        Specify the format of the tag name. As with --message,
        'X.Y.Z' acts as a placeholder for the version number.
        'vX.Y.Z' is assumed if this option is omitted.

        Print the commands without evaluating them.

-v --version
        Print xyz's version number and exit.


Installing xyz globally is okay, but it's good practice to add it as a dev dependency.


  "scripts": {
    "release": "xyz --repo [email protected]:owner/repo.git --increment",
$ npm run release minor


XYZ = node_modules/.bin/xyz --repo [email protected]:owner/repo.git

.PHONY: release-major release-minor release-patch
release-major release-minor release-patch:
    @$(XYZ) --increment $(@:release-%=%)
$ make release-minor
npm i xyz


  • Whatever
  • David Chambers
  • released 1/1/2024
