
xtypejs Extension - Auto Camel Name Scheme
type xtype xtypejs typeof data-type validation

xtypejs Extension - Auto Camel Name Scheme

This extension provides a virtual name scheme named auto-camel, which when is the active name scheme, automatically assigns a camel-cased type name to all types in xtypejs, including all default and custom types.

This happens automatically, so that even custom types registered in xtypejs after the extension has already been applied to xtypejs will also each automatically acquire a camel-cased version of their respective type names in the auto-camel name scheme. This is the primary difference between the auto-camel name scheme provided by this extension, and the regular xtypejs camel name scheme module, which only provides a static set of camel-cased type names for the xtypejs built-in types.

Note that this is an xtypejs extension, not an xtypejs name scheme. It therefore requires registration to xtypejs using the xtype.ext.registerExtension method, and cannot be registered using the xtype.ext.registerNameScheme method.

Installation with npm

npm install xtypejs-extension-autocamel-name-scheme --save

NodeJs import and setup

var xtype = require('xtypejs');
var xtypejsAutoCamelNameSchemeExtension = require('xtypejs-extension-autocamel-name-scheme');


 * Scheme is now active here, and all default and custom types
 * in xtype will now automatically use a camel-converted
 * version of their registered names. For instance, for the
 * 'positive_number' type, the camel name 'positiveNumber'
 * should be used when referencing it in type expressions.

HTML script tag import and setup

Include the extension script after the xtypejs script to automatically register the extension into xtypejs without exporting any globals. This relies on xtypejs being available in the xtype global variable.

<script src="path/to/xtype.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/xtypejs-extension-autocamel-name-scheme.js"></script>

    // Scheme is now active here

If the extension script needs to be included before the xtypejs script, or the xtype global is not available (or is using a different variable name) when the extension script is included, the extension will be exported instead to a global variable named xtypejsAutoCamelNameSchemeExtension, which must then be manually registered into xtypejs as an extension.

    Assume 'xtype' global variable not available here. The following
    exports global variable 'xtypejsAutoCamelNameSchemeExtension'
<script src="path/to/xtypejs-extension-autocamel-name-scheme.js"></script>

<!-- Other things here... -->

    // Assume xtypejs later available here in variable 'myXtype'

    // Scheme is now active here


When the auto-camel name scheme is the active scheme, all types, including newly registered custom types, will automatically use a camel-version of the name of the type.



// Registration of custom type 'app_flag' automatically
// uses the camel version of the name ('appFlag') instead:

xtype.registerType('app_flag', 'positive_integer, single_char_string');
xtype.which('g', 'appFlag') === 'appFlag';    // 'app_flag' type uses camel name 'appFlag'

For other related documentation for working with name schemes, also see:

Preventing name collisions

If the HTML script tag was used to import the extension script in a browser environment and in the absence of xtypejs in the xtype global variable, the extension will be exported to a global variable named xtypejsAutoCamelNameSchemeExtension. The noConflict method of the exported extension can be used to reassign the extension to a different namespace or variable name, and return the global xtypejsAutoCamelNameSchemeExtension variable to its previous value prior to including the extension script.

var myAutoCamel = xtypejsAutoCamelNameSchemeExtension.noConflict();

 * myAutoCamel is now xtypejsAutoCamelNameSchemeExtension, while 
 * xtypejsAutoCamelNameSchemeExtension variable is now returned to
 * its original value prior to inclusion of the extension script.

Type names used for built-in types

Type Default Name Name in Scheme
null null
undefined undefined
nan nan
symbol symbol
function function
date date
error error
regexp regexp
boolean boolean
true true
false false
string string
whitespace whitespace
single_char_string singleCharString
multi_char_string multiCharString
empty_string emptyString
blank_string blankString
non_empty_string nonEmptyString
non_blank_string nonBlankString
number number
positive_number positiveNumber
negative_number negativeNumber
zero zero
non_positive_number nonPositiveNumber
non_negative_number nonNegativeNumber
non_zero_number nonZeroNumber
integer integer
positive_integer positiveInteger
negative_integer negativeInteger
float float
positive_float positiveFloat
negative_float negativeFloat
infinite_number infiniteNumber
positive_infinity positiveInfinity
negative_infinity negativeInfinity
non_infinite_number nonInfiniteNumber
array array
empty_array emptyArray
single_elem_array singleElemArray
multi_elem_array multiElemArray
non_empty_array nonEmptyArray
object object
empty_object emptyObject
single_prop_object singlePropObject
multi_prop_object multiPropObject
non_empty_object nonEmptyObject
primitive primitive
nothing nothing
any any
none none
npm i xtypejs-extension-autocamel-name-scheme


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Lucas Ononiwu
  • released 1/26/2019

