
provide a bidirectionnal mapping between XML and JS data Structure (aka JSON)
xml json json2xml xml2json

xml2json and json2xml for NodeJS

Build Status

It's native javascript implementation of a bidirectional converter between XML and JS data structure (aka JSON). You can convert any type of XML documents in an Javascript data structure. You can also do the reverse, converting a Javascript data structure in XML String. XML is still valid.



With npm do:

$ npm install xml-mapping


var XMLMapping = require('xml-mapping');

var json = XMLMapping.load('<key>value</key>');
var xml  = XMLMapping.dump(json);



<key>value</key> { key: { '$t': 'value' } }


The rules for converting XML to JSON are those used by Google in its GData protocol. More information here : http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/docs/json.html


Use nodeunit to run the tests.

$ npm install nodeunit
$ nodeunit test

API Documentation

load(String xml, Object options)

Transform a string with XML in Javascript data structure (JSON). Return Object.


Warning : options break the symmetry. This means that the JSON generated may not reproduce the same XML

  • throwErrors - boolean - Flag to throw errors of the SAX Parser ; default : false
  • nested - boolean - Flag to ignore nested tags inside text : default : false
  • specialChar - string - Set the first character of XML tag ($t, $text, $cd, $cdata, $e, $element, $c, $comment); default : $
  • longTag - boolean - Use long names tags($text, $element, $cdata, $comment) rather than short names ($t, $cd, $e, $c); default : false
  • comments - boolean - Flag to ignore comments, if false all the comments will be ignored : default : true
  • parserInfos - boolean - Flag to add some attributes generated by the parser (order, line, column, name), if true informations are inserted in the attributes list of all tags : default : false
var xml = '<title>Title is <strong>important</strong></title>';
var json = XMLMapping.load(xml, { nested: true });

// Should output:
// { title : { $t : 'Title is<strong>important</strong>', strong: { '$t': 'important' }} }
  • arrays - array - an array of basic XPath strings that specify XML nodes that should be array, even when there is only one such node.
var xml = '<key1>value1</key1><key2><key3>value3</key3></key2>';
var json = XMLMapping.load(xml, {
 arrays: [

// Should output:
// (Note that value of key1 and key3 are arrays, as specified in options)
// {"key1":[{"$t":"value1"}],"key2":{"key3":[{"$t":"value3"}]}}

dump(Object json, Object options)

Transform a Javascript data structure (JSON) in XML string. Return String.


Warning : options break the symmetry. This means that the XML generated may not reproduce the same JSON

  • indent - boolean - Flag to throw errors of the SAX Parser ; default : false
  • header - boolean - Flag to add XML header; default : false
  • version - string - Set version attribute of XML header (see header flag); default : 1.0
  • encoding - string - Set encoding attribute of XML header (see header flag); default : UTF-8
  • specialChar - string - Set the first character of XML tag ($t, $text, $cd, $cdata, $e, $element, $c, $comment); default : $

tojson(String xml)

Alias of load.

toxml(Object json)

Alias of dump.




Bitdeli Badge

npm i xml-mapping


  • MIT
  • >=0.2.0
  • Nicolas Thouvenin
  • released 1/31/2022
