
REST API requests to WordPress.com via XMLHttpRequest (and CORS)
browser wpcom wordpress rest api oauth


REST-API and WP-API requests via XMLHttpRequest (and CORS)


You likely want to use the high-level APIs in wpcom.js instead of using this module directly.

Works in both the browser and Node.js via superagent.


Install wpcom-xhr-request using npm:

$ npm install wpcom-xhr-request


    <script src="wpcom-xhr-request.js"></script>
      WPCOM.xhr('/me', function(err, data) {
        if (err) throw err;

        var div = document.createElement('div');
        div.innerHTML = 'Your WordPress.com "username" is: <b>@' + data.username + '<\/b>';


wpcomXhrRequest( [params], fn )

Params: optional parameters

  • method: GET as default.
  • apiNamespace: WP-API namepsace.
  • apiVersion: REST-API app version - 1 as default.
  • proxyOrigin: https://public-api.wordpress.com as default.
  • authToken: token authentication.
  • query: object used to pass the query to the request.
  • body: object used to pass the body to the request.
  • form-data: POST FormData (for multipart/form-data, usually a file upload).
  • processResponseInEnvelopeMode: default TRUE.

fn: request callback function

This function has three parameters:

  • error: defined if the request fails
  • body: the object body of the response
  • headers: the headers of the response
import handler from `wpcom-xhr-request`;

// get .com blog data usign `REST-API`
handler( '/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com', ( error, body, headers ) => {
  if ( error ) {
    return console.error( 'Request failed: ', error );
  console.log( 'WordPress blog: ', body );
} );

// get .com blog data using `WP-API`
handler( {
  path: '/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com',
  apiNamespace: 'wp/v2'
}, ( error, body, headers ) => {
  if ( error ) {
    return console.error( 'Request failed: ', error );
  console.log( 'WordPress blog: ', body );
} );

// get .org blog data (`WP-API`)
handler( {
  proxyOrigin: 'http://myblog.org/wp-json',
  path: '/',
  apiNamespace: 'wp/v2'
}, ( error, body, headers ) => {
  if ( error ) {
    return console.error( 'Request failed: ', error );
  console.log( 'WordPress blog: ', body );
} );


For API requests that require authentication to WordPress.com, you must pass in an OAuth token as the authToken parameter in the params object for the API call.

You can get an OAuth token server-side through node-wpcom-oauth, or any other OAuth2 interaction mechanism.


make test
make test-watch


MIT – Copyright Automattic 2014


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Automattic, Inc.
  • released 7/15/2014
