
Util to list all defined hapi.js routes
hapi api routes util wo wozu


Server decorator and util to list all defined hapi.js routes

Travis node npm standard npm


wozu is a plugin in the form of a server decorator and an additional util to list all defined routes of your hapi.js server instance. Just call the server method and get a list of all endpoints including paths and methods.
wozu is the German translation for wherefore - it was implemented as an util related to the plugin wo.

The modules standard and ava are used to grant a high quality implementation.


Major Release hapi.js version node version
v4 >=18.4 @hapi/hapi >=12
v3.1 >=18.3.1 @hapi/hapi >=8
v3 >=18 hapi >=8
v2 >=17 hapi >=8
v1 >=13 hapi >=6


For installation use the Node Package Manager:

$ npm install --save wozu

or clone the repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/felixheck/wozu



First you have to import the module:

const wozu = require('wozu');

Create hapi server

Afterwards create your hapi server if not already done:

const hapi = require('@hapi/hapi');
const server = hapi.server({
  port: 8888,
  host: 'localhost',

Additionally register all your routes.


Finally register the plugin per server.register():

await server.register(wozu);

After registering wozu, the hapi server object will be decorated with the new method server.wozu().
It is not allowed to register wozu twice.


Use the plugin/util in the required context. For example during the registration of wo:

await server.register({
  plugin: require('wo'),
  options: {
    route: server.wozu(),
    sneeze: {
      silent: true

The method returns a sorted and unified list of all defined routes.

Usage as Util

This package include besides the plugin a corresponding util feature, so it is not necessary to use wozu as a plugin:

const wozu = require('wozu');
const hapi = require('hapi');

const server = hapi.server({
  port: 8888,
  host: 'localhost',

(async () => {
  await server.register({
    plugin: require('wo'),
    options: {
      route: wozu.list(server),
      sneeze: {
        silent: true


wozu.list(server, [host])

  • server {Object} - the corresponding hapi server object.
  • host {string|Array.<string>} - the host to filter routes matching a specific virtual host.


  • host {string|Array.<string>} - the host to filter routes matching a specific virtual host.

Developing and Testing

First you have to install all dependencies:

$ npm install

To execute all unit tests once, use:

$ npm test

or to run tests based on file watcher, use:

$ npm start

To get information about the test coverage, use:

$ npm run coverage


Fork this repository and push in your ideas.

Do not forget to add corresponding tests to keep up 100% test coverage.


  • MIT
  • >=6.0.0
  • Felix Heck
  • released 2/7/2017

