
A small wrapper of eslint, pre-configured to Womply's code standard. Clone of sc-eslint. MIT licensed.
ast eslint lint linting jshint jslint hint hinting gulp and 3 more...


A small wrapper of eslint, pre-configured to Womply's code standard

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This is two things:

  1. drop and run eslint -c node_modules/womply-eslint/womply-eslint-config.json *.js
  2. Trivially simple gulp task

Gulp task, you say?

Trivially simple.

var lint = require("womply-eslint/estask.js");
var tgts = "gulpfile.js estask.js";

lint.gulpreg(gulp, { "targets" : tgts });

And now you have a gulp task named lint, which you may use like so:

gulp.task('default', ['lint']);


Because this way, as eslint gets stronger, as Womply's definitions evolve, etc, all we need to do is to keep one module up to date, then all dependents will be brought into line.

Which is pretty sweet, if you think about it.

But I have different preferences

Great! Don't we all? :) Make one for yourself! Here's how:

  1. Fork the original repo
  2. Copy sc-eslint-config.json to your own config file
  3. Change the contents - every rule is spelled out in that file
  4. Change what lrules points to, if using the gulp task
  5. Push your own repo and your own NPM module
  6. Point back to these instructions, for others' sake

However, for company stuff, please use this repo. The whole point is centralization and uniformity.

npm i womply-eslint


