
Node wrapper of Anolis Resourcer (windows executable resource editor)
resource resourcer anolis editor windows gruntplugin node cli


Node module to edit windows executable resources (icons, ...) This is a simple node wrapper of Anolis Resourcer


  • .NET framework 2.0
Linux & Mac OS X
  • wine
  • Require .NET framework 2.0 (or equivalent)
  • Require a X server (Gnome, KDE, ...). You can also use Xvfb

Usage examples

Command line
npm install -g winresourcer
winresourcer --operation=Update --exeFile=path/to/your/file.exe --resourceType=Icongroup --resourceName:IDR_MAINFRAME --lang: 1033 --resourceFile:path/to/your/resource.ico
Node JS
npm install winresourcer
            operation: "Update", // one of Add, Update, Extract or Delete
            exeFile: "path/to/your/file.exe",
            resourceType: "Icongroup",
            resourceName: "IDR_MAINFRAME",
            lang: 1033, // Required, except when updating or deleting 
            resourceFile: "path/to/your/resource.ico" // Required, except when deleting
        }, function(error) {
            // callback
npm install winresourcer --save-dev
    "winresourcer": {
        your_target: {
            operation: "Update", // one of Add, Update, Extract or Delete
            exeFile: "path/to/your/file.exe",
            resourceType: "Icongroup",
            resourceName: "IDR_MAINFRAME",
            lang: 1033, // Required, except when updating or deleting 
            resourceFile: "path/to/your/resource.ico" // Required, except when deleting


operation (Required)

Value: Add, Delete, Extract or Delete

The operation to perform

exeFile (Required)

Value: Path to a file

The Win32 PE or RES file to modify or extract resources from.

resourceType (Required)

Value: Resource type identifier

Identifies the type of resource to work with. For string and integer identifiers just putting the value is sufficient. Note that some string values are synonymous with some integer values. Consult the table below.

Type Integer Synonyms Notes
Cursor Sub-Image 1 Cursors rarely have more than 1 sub-image. Replace cursors by altering the directory, not the individual subimages.
Bitmap Data 2 "Bitmap", "BMP" Only *.bmp files can be read into a bitmap resource, you must convert from JPEG, GIF, or PNG first.
Icon Sub-Image 3 Icons contain many subimages. It is not advisable to replace them directly. If you are going to replace them, ensure you have the right DIB format (dimensions and pixelformat) first.
Cursor Directory 12 "Cursor", "Cursordir", "Cursorgroup"
Icon Directory 14 "Icon", "Icondir", "Icongroup"
resourceName (Required)

Value: Resource name identifier

Identifies the name of resource to work with. For string and integer identifiers just putting the value is sufficient. If a resource has a numeric string identifier then prefix the number with " (backslash, followed by a double-quote) E.g.: -name:"0. If a resource identifier starts with a double-quote symbol (unlikely) prefix it with "".

lang (Required, except when updating or deleting)

Value: Unsigned 16-bit number

This argument is required for adding and extracting, but optional for deleting and updating. If this argument is ommited then all matching resources will be deleted or replaced with the contents of the specified file.

resourceFile (Required, except when deleting)

Value: Path to a file

When adding or updating a resource the data is retrieved from this file. When extracting the resource is saved to this file. When deleting this argument is ignored.


Feel free to report issues Pull requests are welcome




Thanks to Anolis for their work on Anolis Resourcer

npm i winresourcer


  • Unknown
  • >= 0.8.0
  • Felicien Francois
  • released 8/5/2014

