
MongoDB storage for Federated Wiki

Wiki Storage MongoDB

NOTE: This datastore will not work correctly when the server is run in farm mode.

An experimental module to provide MongoDB storage for an external module for Federated Wiki, rather than being built into the core.

The motivation for this is that not everybody is using MongoDB for storage, also allows for the integration to be independently maintained.

Using MongoDB for Wiki Storage

The following steps will need to be followed:

  1. Take a copy of the fedwiki/wiki-node repository. Either create a fork on the GitHub site, or clone a copy either locally or to where you wish to install Federated Wiki.

  2. In your copy, edit package.json to add the following line to the dependencies:

    "wiki-storage-mongodb": "*",
  1. If you are using git for deployment, commit this change to git.

  2. Install your modified version of Federated Wiki, either:

  • running npm install 'your-github-id'/wiki-node, if you are using github for deployment, or

  • if you modified package.json inplace by running npm install from within the modified directory. See npm-install for more ideas.

  1. When starting Federated Wiki you will need to tell it to use LevelDB. This is done by adding the following configuration setting
--database '{"type": "wiki-storage-mongodb", "url": "...", "options": {...}}'

Developer Notes

Should there be a need to modify this package, there is a test file test/ that can be copied to the test directory of the wiki-node-server repository that you are developing with. A test MongoDB will be required, and configured in the test script.

N.B. the plugin page test requires a copy of the wiki-plugin-chart repository to be alongside the wiki-node-server repository.

npm i wiki-storage-mongodb


  • Unknown
  • 0.10
  • Paul Rodwell
  • released 11/26/2014
