
A friendly security module (dependency free) for Federated Wiki node server

Federated Wiki - Security Plug-in: Friends

This module creates its own secrets which it maintains in the status/owner.json file. No internet access is necessary to claim sites at will and ensure single owner access once claimed. We expect a farm operator is "friends" with each user and is available to help restore the long-lived session should it be lost.

Write access to a claimed site can be restored by clicking on the padlock and pasting in the site's secret. This can be retrieved from the status/owner.json file by the site operator.


Launch the wiki server with three additional arguments, security_type, cookieSecret and session_duration.

--security_type friends
--cookieSecret 'REPLACE-THIS-SECRET'
--session_duration n

The security_type friends specifies to handle authentication with this module. Setting a cookieSecret makes sure that the session cookie encryption is consistent between server restarts. Otherwise each wiki owner would be logged out following a wiki server restart and would need to use the reclaim code to acquire a new session. Setting a session_duration allows you to set a longer time for the sites sessions. n is the number of days that the session will last, the default is 7 days.

npm i wiki-security-friends


  • MIT
  • >=4
  • Paul Rodwell
  • released 5/17/2023

