
> Easy website screenshots in CLI.

Webshot CLI npm version

Easy website screenshots in CLI.


This software is a wrapper around the Webshot library, providing a simple command to take local or remote webpage screenshots.

Usage: webshot [--custom-header=<header>]... [options] [<url>] [<dest>]

  <url>   A webpage URL (can be a local file) [default: -].
  <dest>  Where to save the image [default: -].

  -h, --help                  Show this help.
  --version                   Show version.
  --window-size=<size>        Browser window size [default: 1024/768].
  --shot-size=<size>          The area to capture [default: window/window].
  --shot-offset=<offset>      Left, right, top and bottom offset [default: 0/0/0/0].
  --phantom-path=<path>       The location of PhantomJS [default: phantomjs].
  --custom-header=<header>    Additional header (can be set multiple times).
  --default-white-background  White background if no background is set.
  --custom-css=<css>          Custom CSS rules.
  --quality=<quality>         JPEG compression quality [default: 75].
  --stream-type=<type>        Streaming file type [default: png].
  --render-delay=<delay>      Number of milliseconds to wait [default: 0].
  --timeout=<timeout>         Kill PhantomJS after this number of milliseconds [default: 0].
  --shot-callback             Wait for `window.callPhantom('takeShot');`.
  --http-error                Cause an error if HTTP status is not 200.

See <https://github.com/brenden/node-webshot> for options details.

All options beginning with `--p:` like `--p:cookies-path` are passed
to PhantomJS. See <http://phantomjs.org/api/command-line.html>.

The main difference with the Webshot library is you don't have to give an absolute file:// URL to capture a local file with working assets. The software will resolve it for you.


Standard I/O screenshot:

webshot < example.html > example.png
webshot --quality=100 --stream-type=jpeg < example.html > example.jpeg

Shot an URL:

webshot example.html example.png
webshot 'https://www.npmjs.org/' npmjs.png

For example.html, the difference with the I/O version is the relative assets will be loaded properly.


  • When proxying an option to PhantomJS with --p: prefix, if it's an unknown option for PhantomJS, PhantomJS will crash but no error is returned. I believe it's more a bug with Webshot (or maybe PhantomJS does nothing but don't return an error code).


  • Unlicense
  • Whatever
  • ValĂ©rian Galliat
  • released 5/25/2015

