
A compiler that makes your life easier if you are building isomorphic webpack powered apps, that is, single page applications with server-side rendering
webpack isomorphic server-side rendering render compiler compilation


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A compiler that makes your life easier if you are building isomorphic webpack powered apps, that is, single page applications with server-side rendering.


$ npm install webpack-isomorphic-compiler --save-dev

The current version works with webpack v2, v3 and v4.


With webpack, client-side applications with server-side rendering means compiling both the client and the server.
To make it right, the client and server compilers must be in sync and live in perfect harmony.

Webpack offers a multi-compiler that makes this possible, but unfortunately it doesn't have all the plugin handlers that a single compiler does. This makes it difficult to know what's happening under the hood.

This module packs an aggregated compiler that:

NOTE: While webpack-sane-compiler-reporter is compatible with this compiler, we advise using webpack-isomorphic-compiler-reporter instead for completeness and accurateness.


const webpack = require('webpack');
const isomorphicWebpack = require('webpack-isomorphic-compiler');

const clientCompiler = webpack(/* client config */);
const serverCompiler =  webpack(/* server config */);
const compiler = isomorphicWebpack(clientCompiler, serverCompiler);

Alternatively, you may pass a config directly instead of a webpack compiler:

const webpack = require('webpack');

const compiler = isomorphicWebpack(/* client config */, /* server config */);

The returned compiler has exactly the same API as the webpack-sane-compiler but adds some functionality that is detailed below.

Compilation result

The compilation result, available through .run(), .watch(), .getCompilation() and .resolve(), has two more properties:

.then(({ clientStats, serverStats, stats, duration }) => {
    // clientStats is the webpack stats of the client
    // serverStats is the webpack stats of the client
    // duration is the aggregated compilation duration
    // stats maps to clientStats for API compatibility

Client & server webpack

Both client and server properties contain their webpack configs & compilers.

Name Description Type
webpackCompiler The client's webpack compiler Compiler
webpackConfig The client's webpack config object

Accessing webpack compiler public methods is NOT allowed and will throw an error.

Related projects

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$ npm test
$ npm test -- --watch during development


MIT License

npm i webpack-isomorphic-compiler


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • AndrĂ© Cruz
  • released 3/6/2018
