
A webpack plugin to dynamically inject code into the bundle.
webpack plugin loader inject


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A webpack plugin to dynamically inject code into the bundle.

You can check out an example here


# webpack.config.js

const InjectPlugin = require('webpack-inject-plugin').default;

module.exports = {
    // Other stuff in your webpack config

    plugins: [
        new InjectPlugin(function() {
            return "console.log('Hello World');"

This webpack plugin accepts a single argument, a function to which returns the code to inject into the bundle.

The function is called using the same context as the loader, so everything here applies.

You can either return the raw content to load, or a Promise which resolves to the content, if you wish to be async.


You can also pass in more options:

import InjectPlugin, { ENTRY_ORDER } from 'webpack-inject-plugin';

new InjectPlugin(loader, {
    entryName: 'entry name',         //  Limit the injected code to only the entry w/ this name
    entryOrder: ENTRY_ORDER.First    //  Make the injected code be the first entry point
                ENTRY_ORDER.Last     //  Make the injected code be the last entry point
                ENTRY_ORDER.NotLast  //  Make the injected code be second to last. (The last entry module is the API of the bundle. Useful when you don't want to override that.) This is the default.


string | function

A filter for which entries to inject code into. If a string, only an entry with the same name will be used. If a function, it will be called with each entry name -- and only inject code for each truthy response


new InjectPlugin(loader, {
  // This will inject code into every entry that's not named `foo`
  entryName: key => key !== 'foo'



An optional uniquie ID for the injected loader. If omitted, one will automatically be generated for you.

Additional Use Cases

Though this could be used as a standalone plugin, you could also use it to create other webpack plugins, such as injecting code into the build based on a config file.


import InjectPlugin from 'webpack-inject-plugin';

function customLoader(options) {
  return () => {
    return "console.log('My custom code generated from `options`');";

export default class MyPlugin {
  constructor(options) {
    this.options = options;

  apply(compiler) {
    new InjectPlugin(customLoader(this.options)).apply(compiler);


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Adam Dierkens
Adam Dierkens




This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Adam Dierkens
  • released 2/19/2019

