
Add a tapable 'bundle-update' hook to webpack. On bundle updates registered plugins get lists of new, changed and removed modules.
webpack plugin tapable hook bundle update new changed removed and 1 more...


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Add a Tapable 'bundle-update' hook to webpack. On bundle updates, registered plugins get lists of new, changed and removed modules.

This plugin can be useful in combination with webpack-dev-middleware or webpack-dev-server. The plugin adds a new hook named bundle-update to which other plugins can register. After each bundle update, registered plugins receive lists of new, changed and removed files. These can for example be used for server side hot module reloading.


npm install webpack-bundle-update-hook-plugin --save-dev


Add the plugin to your webpack.config.js file:

var BundleUpdateHookPlugin = require('webpack-bundle-update-hook-plugin');

module.exports = {

    // ...

    plugins: [
        // ...
        new BundleUpdateHookPlugin()


Then use webpack's Node.js API to get a compiler with this configuration. The compiler exposes the Tapable API for registering plugins (the compiler is an instance of Tapable). With the webpack-bundle-update-hook-plugin you can now create plugins for the hook bundle-update:

var webpack = require('webpack');
var webpackConfig = require('./webpack.config');

var compiler = webpack(webpackConfig);

                function (newModules, changedModules, removedModules, stats) {
    // newModules, changedModules and removedModules are objects. The properties
    // of the objects are module ids, the values of these properties are the
    // corresponding module resources (= absolute module paths).

    // stats is passed as is from the compilers 'done' plugin hook.

    console.log('new modules: ', newModules);
    console.log('changed modules: ', changedModules);
    console.log('removed modules: ', removedModules);

Note: The bundle-update event will only be emitted if there was a change (a module added, changed or removed). Thus, the event will never be emitted after the first build. However, Webpack may emit multiple builds in watch mode even if no files change. This means that the bundle-update event can be emitted before any files change. See watchpack issue #25 for an example of such a scenario.

How it works

The plugin hooks into the webpack compiler's done hook. The done event is fired whenever webpack has finished a build. The callback function receives a stats object which contains a list of all the modules in the current bundle in stats.compilation.modules. Each module has (among others) an id property and a buildTimestamp property. Resource modules (non webpack internal modules) also have a resource property.

On each done event, the plugin generates a list of module ids and buildTimestamps, skipping modules that don't have a resource property. For the first build, nothing else is done. For subsequent builds, the previous list is compared to the current list: missing module ids on the old list identify new modules, missing module ids on the new list identify removed modules, same module id and different buildTimestamp identifies changed modules.



Debug output can be enabled by setting the debug flag in the plugin options to true:

new BundleUpdateHookPlugin({ debug: true })

Run tests

npm install
npm test


MIT (see LICENSE file)


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Stefan Kleeschulte
  • released 1/7/2016

