
Webpack plugin for automatically adding babel-external-helpers to entries when using babel-loader.
webpack babel babel-loader babel-plugin-external-helpers


A Webpack plugin modifies webpack configuration to make babel-loader use external-helpers and injects babelHelpers object to the specified bundles.


npm install webpack-babel-external-helpers-2


A shortcut to configure babel-loader to use babel external-helpers plugin. There is no need to install the plugin manually, use complicated query-string syntax for babel-loader in webpack configuration and create external-helpers module (javascript code) to be added to webpack entries. Just install the package and make webpack use it as a plugin.

Usage examples

// webpack.config.js

const WebpackBabelExternalsPlugin = require('webpack-babel-external-helpers-2');

module.exports = {
    entry: './main.js',
    output: {
        filename: 'main.bundle.js',
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.js$/,
                loader: 'babel?presets[]=es2015',
    plugins: [
        new WebpackBabelExternalsPlugin(/* plugin options object */),


whitelist {Array<String>|String} : optional

Keywords specifying helpers to be included in the output code according to the Babel specification.

Array is used as is. Comma-separated string is split by comma, each item is trimmed. Space-separated string is split by space, all spaces are removed.

See babel specification.

entries {Array<String>|String} : optional

Entries (in terms of webpack) to be modified. The option is applied only when entry property of the webpack configuration is an object. Bundles of the specified entries will have additional module with the babelHelpers object injected.

Array is used as is. String is used to specify only one entry.

See webpack configuration.

aliases {Array<String|RegExp>} : optional

Array of aliases for babel-loader specified in the webpack configuration.

In case of an alias is a string it's compared with a loader name with strict equality (both operands are lowercased).

strict {Boolean=false} : optional

The plugin throws if strict === true and no babel-loader was found in webpack configuration.

Special notes

  • Node v4 is supported. Use lib/es5 as the entry point.


  • The plugin doesn't work when the webpack configuration entry property is a function.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Roman Sukhorukov
  • released 9/27/2017

