
Validate API requests and responses.
api request response server validate validation data schema specification and 3 more...


The web-validate JavaScript package is an object validation tool built specifically for validating API requests to a Node.js server and for describing and validating the server's responses when testing. The package works especially well when used with express as middleware.

In addition to validating objects against a specification, web-validate also provides tools for marking fields as sensitive and stripping them from an object before forwarding it to the client or to server logs.

In the near future, Mapita will also release the code we use to wrap express endpoint definitions with a full API specification. We will also eventually release a tool that can be used to generate web-friendly documentation for these wrapped endpoints.

Table of contents:


The web-validate package can be installed using npm or a similar package manager.

npm install web-validate


web-validate is intended for use in servers running with Node.js.

Importing web-validate

After installation, the package can be imported into a JavaScript project using CommonJS, like so:

const validate = require("web-validate");

Or as an ES6 module:

import * as validate from "web-validate";

The package's default exported declaration is the validate.value function:

import validateValue from "web-validate";

Strict vs. permissive validation

Usually, you will only need to use the validate.value and validate.strict functions. These functions accept a specification as their first argument and a value needing validation as their second argument.

The strict function differs from the value function in that it does not coerce values of different types to the type that the specification expects. For example, where the string "123" is considered to be a number and is converted to the number 123 by the value function, the strict function produces a validation error.

When validation succeeds, both the value and strict functions return the validated value. Normally, this will be a deep copy of the input object, sometimes with type-coerced members.

Example code

const validate = require("web-validate");

// Describes a number in the range [0, 1]
const specification = {
    "type": "number",
    "minimum": 0,
    "maximum": 1

// Using PERMISSIVE validation...

// x = 0.5
const x = validate.value(specification, 0.5);
// y = 0.5
const y = validate.value(specification, "0.5");

// ERROR! Number is outside the specified range.
// Throws a validate.ValidationError instance:
// "Expected a finite number that is at least 0 and at most 1: Number is too large."
const NOPE = validate.value(specification, 100);

// Using STRICT validation...

// z = 0.5
const z = validate.strict(specification, 0.5);

// ERROR! Strict mode doesn't coerce values to the expected type.
// Throws a validate.ValidationError instance:
// "Expected a finite number that is at least 0 and at most 1: Value isn't numeric."
const NOPE = validate.strict(specification, "0.5");

Example validation failure

The errors thrown by calls to validate.value and validate.strict are highly descriptive and based on the assumption that, usually, the person seeing these error message is somebody who's trying to figure out how to use your API. In that case, it helps to know exactly where the problem is and how to fix it.

const specification = {
    "type": "object",
    "attributes": {
        "identity": {
            "type": "object",
            "attributes": {
                "firstName": "string",
                "lastName": "string",
                "emailAddress": {"type": "email", "optional": true}
        "connections": {
            "type": "list",
            "each": {
                "type": "object",
                "attributes": {
                    "firstName": "string",
                    "lastName": "string"

// ValidationError: Expected an object with mandatory keys
// "firstName" and "lastName" at object.connections[1]:
// Missing required attribute "lastName".
validate.value(specification, {
    "identity": {
        "firstName": "Sophie",
        "lastName": "Kirschner"
    "connections": [
            "firstName": "Gordon",
            "lastName": "Freeman"
            "firstName": "Chell"

Specification properties

A specification is a string or an object describing what a value is expected to look like.

When the specification is a string, such as "boolean", it is equivalent to the object representation {"type": "boolean"}.

These are the recognized properties for all specification objects; note that most validators give meaning to additional properties, too:


Either the type or the validator attribute must be present for all specification objects. The type attribute identifies a validator by name. For example:

specification = {"type": "number"};

Note that when a string is used as a specification rather than an object, that string is interpreted the same as if it was given as the type attribute of a specification object.

// This function call...
validate.value("number", 1);

// Behaves identically to this one.
validate.value({"type": "number"}, 1);


The validator attribute is an alternative to using the type attribute. It provides a validate.Validator instance instead of an identifying name string.

Note that you can create custom validators using either the validate.addValidator function or the new validate.Validator constructor.

specification = {"validator": myValidator};


When the nullable option is used, a null or undefined value is permitted even when the type validator would not normally allow such a value, or would coerce it to a different type.

// x = null
const nullableSpec = {"type": "string", "nullable": true};
const x = validate.value(nullableSpec, null);

// y = ""
const notNullableSpec = {"type": "string"};
const y = validate.value(notNullableSpec, null);


Sensitive fields are not treated differently during validation, but are considered by the validate.copyWithoutSensitive function. Passwords and personally identifying information should normally be marked as sensitive, and validate.copyWithoutSensitive should be used before storing or sending an object with potentially sensitive information anywhere that is not totally secure.

specification = {
    "type": "object",
    "attributes": {
        "username": "string",
        "password": {"type": "string", "sensitive": true}

Properties applicable to object attributes

Specification objects additionally consider optional and default properties when the specification belongs to one of the attributes for a value being validated as an object.


Normally, a missing attribute that is in an object's attributes parameter object will produce an error. The optional parameter changes this behavior: When the optional attribute is omitted, a default value is filled in for the validated output object. The default value depends on the validator, whether the attribute is nullable, and whether there's a default parameter.

When a default is also given in the specification, that value is used whenever the attribute is missing from the input object. If there isn't a default but the attribute is nullable, then null is used as the default value when the attribute is missing. Otherwise, if there is no default and the attribute isn't nullable, the validator's own default value is used. This default value is defined by each validator; for example, the default string is "" and the default value for all numeric validators is 0.

specification = {
    "type": "object",
    "attributes": {
        "country": "string",
        "city": {"type": "string", "optional": true}


The default parameter applies to the specification of attributes of an object. It means that when the specified attribute is missing from the input object, the value given by the default parameter should be inserted into the output object.

Note that the default parameter implies the optional parameter; it is not strictly necessary to include both.

specification = {
    "type": "object",
    "attributes": {
        "greeting": {
            "type": "string",
            "optional": true,
            "default": "hello"
        "location": {
            "type": "string",
            "optional": true,
            "default": "world"

Built-in validator types

The package can be extended with custom validator types, but it comes shipped with some sensible default validators.


The any validator accepts any value of any type whatsoever. It does not modify or copy its input; it forwards it as-is to the validated output.

value = validate.value("any", 1234);


The boolean validator, when used permissively, outputs true for truthy inputs and false for falsey outputs. When used strictly, it produces an error upon receiving any input other than literally true or false.

value = validate.value("boolean", true);


The numeric validator expects any numeric value, including infinity or NaN. When used permissively, strings that look like numbers are parsed and outputted as numeric values, and BigInt values are coerced to numbers. When used strictly, strings or BigInt values are not accepted.

The validator recognizes minimum and maximum parameters in the specification object. When provided, they describe the inclusive bounds allowed for the value.

value = validate.value("numeric", 1);


The number validator expects any finite numeric value. (This does not include infinity or NaN; these inputs produce errors.) When used permissively, strings that look like numbers are parsed and outputted as numeric values, and BigInt values are coerced to numbers. When used strictly, strings or BigInt values are not accepted.

The validator recognizes minimum and maximum parameters in the specification object. When provided, they describe the inclusive bounds allowed for the value.

value = validate.value("number", 1);


The integer validator expects an integral numeric value. When used permissively, strings that look like numbers are parsed and outputted as numeric values, and BigInt values are coerced to numbers. When used strictly, strings or BigInt values are not accepted.

The validator recognizes minimum and maximum parameters in the specification object. When provided, they describe the inclusive bounds allowed for the value.

value = validate.value("integer", 1);


The index validator expects a non-negative integral numeric value, i.e. an array index, meaning an integer not less than zero. When used permissively, strings that look like numbers are parsed and outputted as numeric values, and BigInt values are coerced to numbers. When used strictly, strings or BigInt values are not accepted.

The validator recognizes minimum and maximum parameters in the specification object. When provided, they describe the inclusive bounds allowed for the value.

value = validate.value("index", 1);


The index validator expects an arbitrarily large integer value. When used permissively, strings and numbers are coerced to BigInt values. When used strictly, strings or numbers are not accepted, only BigInt values.

The validator recognizes minimum and maximum parameters in the specification object. When provided as either numbers or BigInt values, they describe the inclusive bounds allowed for the value.

value = validate.value("bigint", 1n);


The string validator expects any string. When used permissively, some inputs that are not already strings are coerced to strings. Note that null and undefined become the empty string "". When used strictly, the input is required to already be a string.

The validator recognizes minLength and maxLength parameters in the specification object. These are inclusive bounds enforced for all input strings; an error is produced when the length of an input string is not within these bounds. It also recognizes a length parameter that describes a mandatory exact length. Note that string length is measured by the number of unicode code points.

The validator also recognizes a pattern parameter. The pattern may be either a RegExp object or a regular expression given by a string literal. When a pattern is given, the input is required to completely match the regular expression; e.g. the input hello world satisfies the pattern /hello.*/ but it does not satisfy /hello/.

value = validate.value("string", "hello world");


The email validator expects a string that looks like an email address, i.e. one that contains a '@' character anywhere in it, and outputs the string fully converted to lower case. There is no difference between permissive and strict validation for e-mail addresses.

value = validate.value("email", "[email protected]");


The timestamp validator expects some timestamp. It can be represented as a numeric Unix timestamp (milliseconds since epoch), as an ISO 8601 date string (e.g. "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z"), as a Date object, as a moment datetime object, as a luxon datetime object, or as a dayjs datetime object. It always converts the output to a Date object. (Note that Date objects are normally serialized as ISO timestamp strings when appearing in a JSON object.)

The validator recognizes minDate and maxDate parameters in specification objects. When specified, an error is produced if the received timestamp is outside the inclusive boundaries.

value = validate.value("timestamp", "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z");


The enum validator, or enumeration validator, requires an array of acceptable values to be given by the specification's values property. When used permissively, in addition to exact equality, inputted strings that match numeric values in the values array and inputted numbers that match strings are coerced to the expected type. When used strictly, the inputted values must exactly match the values in the array.

The validator recognizes a values parameter in specification objects; the parameter is mandatory and validation will always produce an error when no enumeration values were specified.

const enumSpec = {
    "type": "enum",
    "values": [1, 2, 3]
value = validate.value(enumSpec, 1);


The list validator accepts any iterable (normally an array) and outputs a validated array. The list validator itself does not behave differently for permissive and strict validation, but the distinction does carry on to the validation of its elements when the each parameter is included in the specification object.

The validator recognizes minLength and maxLength parameters in the specification object. When the input is outside the allowed inclusive length boundaries, an error is produced. Note that maxLength has a default of 1,000 elements if not specified. This is mainly to prevent applications from falling into an infinite loop if attempting to validate a value that includes an infinite iterable. For this reason, it is not recommended to ever set maxLength to Infinity, though this is possible in case you can guarantee that inputs will always be of a finite length.

The length parameter can be used to specify an exact length that the list must be.

The validator also recognizes an each parameter, which should itself be a specification object. The list validator will output a list produced by applying that specification to validate each element of the input.

const listSpec = {
    "type": "list",
    "each": "number"
value = validate.value(listSpec, [1, 2, 3, 4]);


The object validator accepts any object. When an attributes parameter is given in the specification, the validator outputs a validated copy of that object. When no attributes parameter is present, the object is outputted as-is.

The attributes parameter should be an object mapping the acceptable attributes of the input object to the specifications to be used for validating those attributes. The attribute values are validated permissively when the object is validated permissively, and strictly when the object is validated strictly.

When validating an object permissively, attributes of the input object that are not included in the attributes object are excluded from the output object. When validating strictly, any attributes of the input object that are not included in the attributes object produce an error. However, this behavior can be changed using the keepUnlistedAttributes parameter. In this case, attributes not included in the attributes object are inserted unchanged into the output object for both permissive and strict validation, without producing any errors.

Note that the attribute specifications for an object acquire new meaningful specification object properties: optional and default. Normally, an object missing one of the listed attributes keys will produce an error with both permissive and strict validation. However, if the specification for that attribute has a truthy value for its optional parameter, then when the attribute is absent from the input object a default value is used. The default value depends on the validator type for that attribute, or is null when the value's nullable property is also truthy. Alternatively, a specific default value for when the attribute is absent can be specified using the default parameter. This value will be used whenever the attribute was missing from the input object.

Note that the presence of a default parameter implies that the attribute is optional, and that default values are not subject to the same validation as input values; i.e. they are not required to meet the same conditions as if the value was given in the input object.

const objSpec = {
    "type": "object",
    "attributes": {
        "greeting": "string",
        "location": "string"
value = validate.value(listSpec, {
    "greeting": "hello",
    "location": "world",

Full API documentation

The imported validate object provides a number of types and properties:


// Normal usage
validatedValue = validate.value(specification, value);

// Advanced usage only
validatedValue = validate.value(specification, value, path, strict);

The specification argument must be a specification string or object.

The value argument is the input value that should be validated against the specification.

The path argument describes where in an object the validation is occurring; this path is used in error messages to describe the location of a validation failure within lists and objects.

The strict argument is a boolean describing whether validation should be strict (a truthy value) or permissive (a falsey value).

The value and strict functions should never modify their specification object argument in any way. This is absolutely enforced for the default validators, and should be observed for custom validators as well.

It is abnormal, yet possible, that validation using the value and strict functions modify their input value. The only known example of this behavior with the default validators is when the input for a list validator is an iterable object whose iteration modifies the state of that object. This will occur with generators, for example. The generator must be consumed in order for it to be validated.


// Normal usage
validatedValue = validate.strict(specification, value);

// Advanced usage only
validatedValue = validate.strict(specification, value, path);

The validate.strict function calls the validate.value function with the same arguments and with strict set to true. See the validate.value documentation for more information regarding how both of these functions behave.


The validate.ValidationError type is thrown by the validate.value and validate.strict functions when an input fails to meet the specification.

This is one of two error types exported by the web-validate package. The other error type is validate.ValueError.

When the validate.value or validate.strict function throws any other type of error, it is indicative of an issue with the specification, an issue with a custom validator, or a bug in web-validate.


copiedValue = validate.copyWithoutSensitive(specification, value);

The validate.copyWithoutSensitive function copies a value satisfying a specification, omitting sensitive fields from the output. It can be used to copy a validated object excluding fields whose specifications are marked with "sensitive": true such as passwords or personally identifying data before sending or storing objects in potentially insecure places.

This function should be called using the value outputted by a call to validate.value(specification, value) or validate.strict(specification, value), not using the same input object.


A Validator instance provides information for validating an input value. Normally, a Validator should check that an input value is of a certain type and produce an error if not or, if validation is permissive as opposed to strict, attempt to coerce the input to that type.

Note that simply constructing a Validator does not make it available via naming in specification objects. The validate.addValidator function must be used in order for the Validator to be added to the dictionary.

For thorough examples of the options that the Validator constructor accepts, you can refer to the source file in which the default validators are defined.

myValidator = new validate.Validator({
    name: "myValidator",
    describe: function(specification){
        return "a value of my own custom type";
    validate: function(specification, value, path, strict){
        if(value instanceof MyType){
            return value;
        }else if(strict){
            throw new validate.ValueError("Value isn't of type MyType.");
            return new MyType(value);

All of the options recognized by the Validator constructor are:

  • name: A name used to identify this validator. It should not overlap with any other validators. This option is mandatory.

  • validate: A function accepting four arguments: specification, value, path, and strict. The specification argument is the specification object that may include additional parameters other than what was needed to specify the validator type, the value argument is the input value that should be validated against the specification, the path argument is some validate.ValidationPath instance describing the current location in an input object, and the strict argument indicates whether validation should be performed strictly (when truthy) or permissively (when falsey). This option, like the name option, is mandatory.

  • copyWithoutSensitive: A function that should be implemented for collection types. The default list and object validators implement this function and they output copied lists and object that exclude sensitive fields.

  • parameters: An object describing what extra parameters of a specification object are considered by the validator. It should map names of parameters to text descriptions of their purpose.

  • describe: A function accepting a specification object and outputting some description of the value that is expected. For example, the boolean validator's describe function always outputs the string "a boolean". This description is used in error messages when a value fails to meet the specification. If no description function is provided, a sensible default function will be used.

  • defaultValue: This value is used when an optional attribute is omitted from an input object and the attribute isn't nullable and doesn't specify an explicit default.

  • getDefaultValue: A function can be given with getDefaultValue as an alternative to defaultValue. The defaultValue refers to a constant, but getDefaultValue is invoked to produce a default value. This can be used to produce new empty collections, for example, instead of always returning the same constant instance.

  • defaultPath: Should be used with collections to indicate the starting point of a path within an object being validated. This value should normally be a string.


// Accepts either a Validator instance...
const myValidator = new validate.Validator({...});

// Or an options object to be passed to the Validator constructor.
const myValidator = validate.addValidator({...});

The validate.addValidator function can be used to add a custom validator to the dictionary that names are looked up in.

See the documentation for validate.Validator for information about the options object that this function can accept in order to construct a new Validator.

Attempting to add a Validator with the same name as an already-added Validator will produce an error. If you need to replace an existing Validator, you can call [validate.removeValidator](#validateremovevalidator] first to disassociate the existing validator from that name.


const booleanValidator = validate.getValidator("boolean");

Get a Validator instance from the input. This can be either: a Validator instance, the string name of a previously-added Validator, or a specification object referring to some Validator via its type or validator attribute.

The function will throw an Error if the input didn't identify any existing Valdiator.



Remove a Validator from the dictionary. Once removed, it will no longer be possible to identify that validator using its name string.


The validate.ValueError or ValueError type is thrown within the validate function of Validator instances. (These are the things that you are referring to when you use strings like "boolean" and "number" in specification objects.)

This is one of two error types exported by the web-validate package. The other error type is validate.ValidationError.

You should never need to catch ValueErrors, but you will need to throw them to indicate that an input value doesn't meet the specification in a custom Validator.


The validate.ValidationPath type is used internally to keep track where in an object validation is taking place. When a validation error occurs, this path is included in the error message so that it's clear what part of the input object caused the error.

If implementing a custom validator for a type of list or object or other collection, you should use the path.getNextPath(attribute) function when recursively calling validate.value, where path is the argument passed to a Validator's validate method and attribute is some description of where in the collection this element is located, e.g. the index in an array or key in an object.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 8/20/2019
