
Simple development platform with process management & router
development server router process management platform


Simple development platform with process management & router

CircleCI Known Vulnerabilities


Watfish is designed to allow you to easily run multiple processes in various different environments inside the context of a project.

It loads processes from an etc/environments/${env-name}/procfile inside your project directory and assigns them random ports, which are then routed from a url of your choice defined in a wtf.json in your home directory.

All processes are provided with your global environment variables, variables defined in etc/environments/${env-name}/env, and sensitive environments variables (that should not be included in your project), from the wtf.json.

Environment variables can be used within your procfile (e.g. $PORT) and will be substituted when the project is started.

It also looks in env/bin inside your project for suitable commands to run within the project context, so when starting, for example, a python process, it will use the python version that is installed within your virtual environment.

Watfish provides several commands to easily help you setup a project (wtf init), and define sensitive environment variables in your wtf.json (wtf env set, wtf env get, wtf env del).


Run the following command from any terminal

npm install watfish -g

Setup route for project

Run the following command inside your project directory

wtf init

Then follow the on screen instructions

What is the name of the process you would like to route?
From what url would you like to route this process?

Created config:

  "routes": {
    "web": "url.com"

Is this correct? [y]


Now you can go ahead and start your project or run arbitrary commands in the project's environment.

wtf start
wtf runtests

Here's some of the commands that are available

  Usage: wtf command [<sub-command>] [options]

    env, e    Change local project environment variables
    init, i   Generate project config (in ~/wtf.json)
    run, r    Run arbitrary commands in the environment
    start, s  Start project processes

    --help, -h     Display help and usage info
    --version, -v  Display version
    <command>      Arbitrary command to run in the environment

    wtf init
    wtf env set KEY value
    wtf start
    wtf start --env production
    wtf run manage.py migrate

procfile and env

Procfiles and env files should be stored in a directory named after the environment you want to run them in, inside etc/environments within your project. E.g. project/etc/environments/development/procfile & project/etc/environments/development/env.

By default watfish will run all processes in the development environment, but you can start processes in an environment of your choice by providing the --env argument. E.g. wtf start --env staging.

An example procfile might look like the following.

web: http-server ./ -p :$PORT
watch-js: watchify -t babelify src/index.js -o build/index.js
watch-less: watch-less-do-more -u postcss -i src/index.less -o build/index.less

An example env file might look like the following.



Routes & sensitive environment variables are loaded from a wtf.json in your home directory.

If this is your first time running watfish on your machine, or for a new project, you can run wtf init to setup a route for this project and create a wtf.json for you.

You can run wtf init for as many projects as you like and additional config will be added to the wtf.json.

Each project will receive its own key within the wtf.json based on the its directory name.

You can also run wtf init for a single project more than once. This will, however, erase any existing config for that project.

You can manually edit the wtf.json to add, remove, or adjust routes & environment variables, or use the provided commands.

An example wtf.json might look like the following.

  "project-name": {
    "routes": {
      "web": "sub.domain.com"
    "env": {
      "SECRET_KEY": "********"

Quick setup

Initialize the project:

wtf init

Answer questions about routing:

What is the name of the process you would like to route?
From what url would you like to route this process?

Created config:

  "routes": {
    "web": "example.domain.com"

Is this correct? [y]

wtf.json written to /Users/user/wtf.json

Add a development environment variable:

wtf env set SECRET_KEY my-secret-key

Created config:

  "development": {
    "SECRET_KEY": "my-secret-key"

Is this correct? [y]

wtf.json written to /Users/user/wtf.json

Add a production environment variable:

wtf env set SECRET_KEY another-secret-key --env production

Created config:

  "development": {
    "SECRET_KEY": "my-secret-key"
  "production" : {
    "SECRET_KEY": "another-secret-key"

Is this correct? [y]

wtf.json written to /Users/user/wtf.json

This will have created a wtf.json in your home directory with the following contents:

  "project": {
    "routes": {
      "web": "example.domain.com"
    "env": {
      "development": {
        "SECRET_KEY": "my-secret-key"
      "production" : {
        "SECRET_KEY": "another-secret-key"
npm i watfish


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jake 'Sid' Smith
  • released 7/11/2018

