
Walletone payment module (walletone.com)
walletone wallet-one wallet w1 payment


npm install walletone


Walletone payment module (walletone.com)


Sending to the payment place

const W1 = require("walletone");

let defaultData = {
    WMI_SUCCESS_URL: 'http://example.com/success/',
    WMI_FAIL_URL: 'http://example.com/fail/',

let secretKey = "key";
let merchantId = "000000001";

const w1 = new W1(secretKey, merchantId, defaultData);

// Create form data
let fields = w1.getFormFields({
    WMI_CURRENCY_ID: '643',
    WMI_DESCRIPTION: 'Recharge',
    WMI_CUSTOMER_EMAIL: '[email protected]',
    // ...and other options

console.log(fields);  // returns sorted fields and signature
/* output
    { name: 'WMI_AUTO_LOCATION', value: '10' },
    { name: 'WMI_CURRENCY_ID', value: '643' }     
    { name: 'WMI_SIGNATURE', value: 'hash' }
<form method="POST" action="{{ w1.getPaymentUrl() }}" accept-charset="UTF-8">
    {% for field in fields %}
    <input name="{{ field.name }}" type="hidden" value="{{ field.value }}"/>
    {% endfor %}             
    <button type="submit">Ok</button>

Handling a notification

const express = require('express');
const busboy = require('express-busboy');
const app = express();
const notifyRouter = busboy.extend(express.Router());

let successHandler = (data, callback) => {
    // data === req.body    
    // save payment info in db e.t.c    
    // callback() or return promise

let errorHandler = (err, meta) => {
    // you can save something to a file, db e.t.c.
    // operation must be synchronous or in the background 

notifyRouter.post('/', w1.notify(successHandler, errorHandler));
app.use('/notification', notifyRouter);


You can write custom notification handler, but library version includes data/signature validation and automatically send all headers in the necessary format

We use express-busboy parser in the example above, because body-parser is not able to handle charset windows-1251. Walletone uses this charset to send request.


.constructor(secretKey, merchantId, [defaultData])

secretKey and merchantId you can find in your w1 account.
defaultData will be merged with other data in .getFormFields

.setAlgorithm(algo = "md5")

set encryption algorithm ("md5" or "sha1")


returns sorted data and signature in the array of objects


returns data signature

.checkSignature(data, signature) or .checkSignature(data) // data includes WMI_SIGNATURE

checks the validity of the signature


returns answer in w1 format
meta type can be string or Error instance, if it is string then result is "OK" else "RETRY"


returns w1 form action url

.notify(fn, onError)

w1 notify handler, it is "connect" middleware

npm i walletone


  • MIT
  • >=5.0.0
  • Balasyan Alexandr
  • released 9/6/2021

