
WalletLink JavaScript SDK
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Coinbase Wallet SDK

Coinbase Wallet SDK (formerly WalletLink) lets developers connect their dapps to Coinbase Wallet on both mobile web (for iOS and Android) and desktop:

  • Mobile: Users can connect to your mobile web dapp through a deeplink to the dapp browser in Coinbase Wallet Mobile App.

  • Desktop: Users can connect to your desktop app with a QR code in the Coinbase Wallet Mobile App or with the Coinbase Wallet Chrome Extension.

Wallet SDK is open-source and uses minimal dependencies for maximum security and no code bloat. Simply drop a few lines of code into your dapp and Wallet SDK takes care of the rest.

Installing and Upgrading

Coinbase Wallet SDK was previously known as WalletLink. The installation package is named walletlink.

Installing Wallet SDK

Install Coinbase Wallet SDK with yarn or npm.


  1. Check available versions of Wallet SDK.
yarn info walletlink versions
  1. Install a specific version or the latest version.
#yarn add [email protected]
yarn add walletlink
  1. Check your installed version.
yarn list walletlink


  1. Check available versions of Wallet SDK.
npm view walletlink versions
  1. Install a specific version or the latest version.
#npm install [email protected]
npm install walletlink
  1. Check your installed version.
npm list walletlink

Upgrading Wallet SDK

Upgrade Coinbase Wallet SDK with yarn or npm.


  1. Compare your installed version of Coinbase Wallet SDK with the latest available version.
yarn outdated walletlink
  1. Update Coinbase Wallet SDK to the latest.
yarn upgrade walletlink --latest


  1. Compare your installed version of Coinbase Wallet SDK with the latest available version.
npm outdated walletlink
  1. If necessary, update package.json with the latest major version.
  "dependencies": {
    "walletlink": "^2.4.7"
  1. Update Coinbase Wallet SDK to the latest available version.
npm update walletlink

Initializing WalletLink and a WalletLink-powered Web3 object

Instructions are in TypeScript. The usage is the same in JavaScript, except for the occasional TypeScript type annotation such as string[] or as any.

// TypeScript
import WalletLink from 'walletlink'
import Web3 from 'web3'

const APP_NAME = 'My Awesome App'
const APP_LOGO_URL = 'https://example.com/logo.png'
const DEFAULT_ETH_JSONRPC_URL = 'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/<YOUR_INFURA_API_KEY>'

// Initialize WalletLink
export const walletLink = new WalletLink({
  appName: APP_NAME,
  appLogoUrl: APP_LOGO_URL,
  darkMode: false

// Initialize a Web3 Provider object
export const ethereum = walletLink.makeWeb3Provider(DEFAULT_ETH_JSONRPC_URL, DEFAULT_CHAIN_ID)

// Initialize a Web3 object
export const web3 = new Web3(ethereum as any)

Coinbase Wallet SDK uses an rpcUrl provided by Coinbase Wallet clients regardless of the rpcUrl passed into makeWeb3Provider for whitelisted networks. Wallet SDK needs an rpcUrl to be provided by the dapp as a fallback.

For more information on using alternate networks, see Switching / Adding Alternative EVM-Compatible Chains below.

Getting Ethereum Accounts

Use EIP-1102 to obtain authorization and get Ethereum accounts. Invoking EIP-1102 shows a QR code dialog if the user's mobile wallet is not already connected to your app.

The following code runs in response to a user-initiated action such as clicking a button to ensure the pop up is not blocked by the browser.

// Use eth_requestAccounts
ethereum.request('eth_requestAccounts').then((accounts: string[]) => {
  console.log(`User's address is ${accounts[0]}`)

  // Optionally, have the default account set for web3.js
  web3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0]

// Alternatively, you can use ethereum.enable()
ethereum.enable().then((accounts: string[]) => {
  console.log(`User's address is ${accounts[0]}`)
  web3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0]

Once the user obtains authorization, the Web3 object (web3) and the Web3 Provider (ethereum) are ready to be used.

If you were using ethereum.on("accountsChanged"), remove it and obtain addresses with EIP-1102 callbacks instead. It was removed to improve compatibility with the latest web3.js.

Switching / Adding Alternative EVM-Compatible Chains

Coinbase Wallet SDK and Coinbase Wallet clients support both EIP-3326 wallet_switchEthereumChain and EIP-3085 wallet_addEthereumChain requests for switching networks.

For dapps supporting multiple networks, Coinbase Wallet SDK only needs 1 rpcUrl -- the rpcUrl of the chain the dapp wishes to default users to.

If Wallet SDK receives either a wallet_switchEthereumChain or wallet_addEthereumChain request for a whitelisted network, then it switches the user to that network after asking approval from the user.

Current whitelisted networks:

Whitelisted Networks
Arbitrum Rinkeby
Avalanche Fuji
Binance Smart Chain
Binance Smart Chain Testnet
Fantom Testnet
Optimistic Kovan
Polygon Mumbai

Coinbase Wallet clients handle wallet_addEthereumChain requests for non-whitelisted networks (for example, a network such as Harmony One which is not currently supported by clients by default).

A dapp can determine if a network is whitelisted or not by sending a wallet_switchEthereumChain request for that network. If error code 4092 is returned, then the network is not supported by default by the client wallet.


Here's how to request the wallet switch networks:

await ethereum.request({
  method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
  params: [{ chainId: '0xA86A' }]

Here's how to request the client wallet add a new network

          await ethereum.request({
            method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
            params: [{
              chainId: '0x63564C40',
              rpcUrls: ['https://api.harmony.one'],
              chainName: 'Harmony Mainnet',
              nativeCurrency: { name: 'ONE', decimals: 18, symbol: 'ONE' },
              blockExplorerUrls: ['https://explorer.harmony.one'],
              iconUrls: ['https://harmonynews.one/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/slfdjs.png'],

Many dapps attempt to switch to a network with wallet_switchEthereumChain, determine if the network is supported by the wallet based on the error code, and follow with a wallet_addEthereumChain request if the network is not supported. Here's an example:

    try {
      // attempt to switch to Harmony One network
      const result = await ethereum.send('wallet_switchEthereumChain', [{ chainId: `0x63564C40` }])
    } catch (switchError) {
      // 4902 indicates that the client does not recognize the Harmony One network
      if (switchError.code === 4902) {
          await ethereum.request({
            method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
            params: [{
              chainId: '0x63564C40',
              rpcUrls: ['https://api.harmony.one'],
              chainName: 'Harmony Mainnet',
              nativeCurrency: { name: 'ONE', decimals: 18, symbol: 'ONE' },
              blockExplorerUrls: ['https://explorer.harmony.one'],
              iconUrls: ['https://harmonynews.one/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/slfdjs.png'],

Suggest client wallet track a specific token with EIP-747

Calling wallet_watchAsset method returns true/false if the asset was accepted/denied by the user, or an error if there is something wrong with the request.

Unlike other methods, the default definition of wallet_watchAsset params is not an array, however, in order to keep it compatible with code conventions of other dapps walletlink supports both array and object format.

interface WatchAssetParameters {
  type: string // The asset's interface, e.g. 'ERC20'
  options: {
    address: string // The hexadecimal Ethereum address of the token contract
    symbol?: string // A ticker symbol or shorthand, up to 5 alphanumerical characters
    decimals?: number // The number of asset decimals
    image?: string // A string url of the token logo

Here's an example of how to suggest the client wallet add a custom token:

function onApproveWatchAsset() {
  // your approval callback implementation

function onDenyWatchAsset() {
  // your denying callback implementation

function onError(message: string) {
  // your error callback implementation

// Use wallet_watchAsset
  method: "wallet_watchAsset",
  params: {
    type: "ERC20",
    options: {
      address: "0xcf664087a5bb0237a0bad6742852ec6c8d69a27a",
      symbol: "WONE",
      decimals: 18,
.then((result: boolean) =>
  result ? onApproveWatchAsset() : onDenyWatchAsset()
.catch(err => onError(err.message));

Disconnecting / De-establishing a link

To disconnect, call the instance method disconnect() on the WalletLink object, or the instance method close() on the WalletLink Web3 Provider object. This will disestablish the link, and require user to reconnect by scanning QR code again.

// is the same as the following:

Libraries using Coinbase Wallet SDK

Copyright © 2018-2022 WalletLink.org <https://www.walletlink.org/>
Copyright © 2018-2022 Coinbase, Inc. <https://www.coinbase.com/>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


npm i walletlink

