
Find files simply. Walks a directory tree emitting events based on what it finds. Presents a familiar callback/emitter/a+sync interface. Walk a tree of any depth.
find walk tree files fs

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Find files. Walks a directory tree emitting events based on what it finds. Presents a familliar callback/emitter/sync interface. Walk a tree of any depth. This is a performant option any pull requests to make it more so will be taken into consderation..


var walk = require('walkdir');

//async with path callback 

walk('../', function(path, stat) {
  console.log('found: ', path);

//use async emitter to capture more events

var emitter = walk('../');

emitter.on('file', function(filename, stat) {
  console.log('file from emitter: ', filename);

//sync with callback

walk.sync('../', function(path, stat) {
  console.log('found sync:', path);

//sync just need paths

var paths = walk.sync('../');
console.log('found paths sync: ', paths);

// async await/promise!
let result = await walk.async('../',{return_object:true})
//result['path'] = {statObject}


npm install walkdir


walkdir(path, [options], [callback]) walkdir.sync(path, [options], [callback]);

  • path

    • the starting point of your directory walk
  • options. supported options are

    • general
  * follow symlinks. default FALSE
  "follow_symlinks"?: boolean,
    * only go one level deep. convenience param.
  "no_recurse"?: boolean,
    * only travel to max depth. emits an error if hit.
  "max_depth"?: number,
    * on filesystems where inodes are not unique like windows (or perhaps hardlinks) some files may not be emitted due to inode collision.
    * turning off this behavior may be required but at the same time may lead to hitting max_depth via link loop.
  "track_inodes"?: boolean;
    * make this syncronous. the same as calling walkdir.sync
    * return an object of {path:stat} instead of just the resolved path names
  "return_object"?: boolean,
    * dont build up an internal list or object of all of the paths. this can be an important optimization for listing HUGE trees.
  "no_return"?: boolean,
    * filter. filter an array of paths from readdir
    *  pass in a custom fs object like gracfeful-fs
    *  needs stat, lstat, readdir, readlink and sync verisons if you use sync:true
   * default True. if false this will use stat insteqad of lstat and not find links at all.
  • walkdir.sync/walkdir.async only

      "return_object": false, // if true the sync return will be in {path:stat} format instead of [path,path,...]
      "no_return": false, // if true null will be returned and no array or object will be created with found paths. useful for large listings
  • callback

    • this is bound to the path event of the emitter. its optional in all cases.

      callback(path, stat)


non error type events are emitted with (path,stat). stat is an instanceof fs.Stats


fired for everything


fired only for regular files


fired only for directories


fired when a symbolic link is found


fired when the entire tree has been read and emitted.


fired when a socket descriptor is found


fired when a fifo is found


fired when a character device is found


fired when a block device is found


fired for the stat of the path you provided as the first argument. is is only fired if it is a directory.


fired for empty directory

error events

error type events are emitted with (path,error). error being the error object returned from an fs call or other opperation.


if the target path cannot be read an error event is emitted. this is the only failure case.


when stat or read fails on a path somewhere in the walk and it is not your target path you get a fail event instead of error. This is handy if you want to find places you dont have access too.


the async emitter returned supports 3 methods

###end stop a walk in progress

###pause pause the walk. no more events will be emitted until resume

###resume resume the walk

ignore(path or array of paths)

will not traverse these directories. may be called in the path event handler to ignore dynamically.

var walk = require('walkdir');
var p = require('path');
walk('/', function(path, stat) {
  // ignore all .git directories.
  if (p.basename(path) === '.git') {

cancel a walk in progress

//cancel a walk in progress within callback.

var walk = require('walkdir');
walk('../', function(path, stat) {

//cancel a walk in progress with emitter handle
var walk = require('walkdir');
var emitter = walk('../');

doSomethingAsync(function() {


thanks to substack. the interface for this module is based off of node-findit


see CONTRIBUTING.md for guidelines. this is an open opensource project.

npm i walkdir


  • MIT
  • >=6.0.0
  • Ryan Day
  • released 7/18/2019

