
a module to walk upwards in a directory structure to find the first path that contains a file or folder
walk require fs path


a module to walk upwards in a directory structure to find the first path that contains a file or folder, similar to how `require('dependency')' finds the node_modules folder in parent paths.


given a file structure like so:

$ tree -L 2
├── index.js
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── readme.md
└── test
    └── test.js

and you run the following in test.js:

const walkup = require('walk-up')
walkup(__dirname, 'node_modules', (err, result) => {
  result.found === true
  // the path would be absolute, just showing relative for example sake
  result.path == '../' // the parent folder path which holds the node_modules


walkup(startPath, toFind, callback)
  • startPath: a string representing the path at which to start the search. Can be either an absolute or relative path, however, an absolute path is preferred for performance reasons.
  • toFind: a string which is the sub-path to find. For example. If you wanted to find the 'node_modules' folder, you would supply that string, but if you wanted the 'node_modules' that contained the dependency 'express' you would supply the string 'node_modules/express'.
  • callback: a callback to be called when the path has been found, or when the root directory 'e.g. / on *nix-like OSes' has been searched, and nothing was found. Takes two params, an error, and the result.

The callback takes two parameters.

  • error: an error, if there was any encountered
  • result: an object with two properties, found, a boolean which will be true if the sub-path was found, and path a string which is the path it was found at.



npm i walk-up


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Glen Keane
  • released 4/9/2017

