
Transform stream to simplify Vue SSR streaming
vue ssr stream

vue-ssr-html-stream Build Status

Note: this package is used internally by vue-server-renderer >= 2.2.0 via the template option.


const HTMLStream = require('vue-ssr-html-stream')

const htmlStream = new HTMLStream({
  template, // string
  context, // ?Object
  outletPlaceholder // ?string, defaults to <!--vue-ssr-outlet-->

// pipe it
  • The template option is a string of the HTML page template. It must contain a special string which serves as the placeholder for your app's server-rendered content. The default placeholder string is <!--vue-ssr-outlet--> - you can configure it with the outletPlaceholder option.

  • The context option should be the same context object passed to bundleRenderer.renderToStream(). The transform will check for a few special properties on the context when the source render stream starts emitting data:

    • context.head: any head markup that should be injected into the head of the page.

    • context.styles: any inline CSS that should be injected into the head of the page. Note that vue-loader 10.2.0+ (which uses vue-style-loader 2.0) will automatically populate this property with styles used in rendered components.

    • context.state: initial Vuex store state that should be inlined in the page as window.__INITIAL_STATE__. The inlined JSON is automatically sanitized with serialize-javascript.

beforeStart event

The stream emits a special event: beforeStart. An example use case would be generating context.head using info injected by vue-meta:

htmlStream.on('beforeStart', () => {
  const meta = context.meta.inject()
  context.head = (context.head || '') + meta.title.text()

Example usage with Express

const HTMLStream = require('vue-ssr-html-stream')
const template = require('fs').readFileSync('./index.html', 'utf-8')
const renderer = require('vue-server-renderer').createBundleRenderer(bundleCode)

app.get('*', (req, res) => {
  const context = { url: req.url }

    .on('error', err => {
      // handle render stream error before piping to the transform
    .pipe(new HTMLStream({ context, template }))
npm i vue-ssr-html-stream


  • MIT
  • >=4.0.0
  • Evan You
  • released 3/18/2017

