
A Vue plugin which make Vue component invocated by API.
create-api cube-ui Vue component


A Vue plugin which make Vue component invocated by API.



use npm

$ npm install vue-create-api

use cdn

<script src=""></script>


import CreateAPI from 'vue-create-api'


// or with options.

Vue.use(CreateAPI, {
  componentPrefix: 'cube-'
  apiPrefix: '$create-'

// then the Vue constructor will have the createAPI function.

import Dialog from './components/dialog.vue'

// make Dialog component invocated by API.

Vue.createAPI(Dialog, true)

// use in general JS files.
// however, the $props can not be reactive.

  $props: {
    title: 'Hello',
    content: 'I am from pure JS'

// use in a vue component.

  $props: {
    title: 'Hello',
    content: 'I am from a vue component'
// typescript
import CreateAPI from 'vue-create-api'


Vue.createAPI(Dialog, events, single)

  $props: {
    title: 'Hello',
    content: 'I am from a vue component'
// d.ts
import Vue, { VueConstructor } from 'vue'
import { createFunction } from 'vue-create-api';

export declare class UIComponent extends Vue {
  show ():void
  hide ():void

declare module 'vue/types/vue' {
  interface Vue {
    /** create Dialog instance */
    $createDialog: createFunction<UIComponent>


using typescript, terser-webpack-plugin(vue-cli3.x) or uglifyjs(vue-cli2.x) adds { keep_fnames: true }

Constructor Options

key description default
componentPrefix the prefix name of your component -
apiPrefix the api prefix $create


Vue.createAPI(Component, [single])

  • Parameters:

    • {Function | Object} Component Vue component which must contains name
    • {Boolean} [single] whether singleton
  • Usage:

    • This method will add a method which is named $create{camelize(} to Vue's prototype, so you can instantiate the Vue component by const instance = this.$createAaBb(config, [renderFn, single]) in other components. The instantiated component's template content will be attached to body element.

    • const instance = this.$createAaBb(config, renderFn, single)


      Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
      config Config options Object {} -
      renderFn Optional, used to generate the VNode child node in the slot scene in general Function - function (createElement) {...}
      single Optional, whether the instantiated component is a singleton or not. If two parameters are provided and the renderFn's type is not function, then the single value is the sencond parameter's value. Boolean true/false single in createAPI()

      Config options config:

      You can set $props and $events in config, $props supported reactive properties, these props will be watched.

      Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
      $props Component props Object - {
      title: 'title',
      content: 'my content',
      open: false
      $events Component event handlers Object - {
      click: 'clickHandler',
      select: this.selectHandler

      $props example, { [key]: [propKey] }:

        title: 'title',
        content: 'my content',
        open: false

      title, content and open are keys of the component prop or data, and the prop' value will be taken by the following steps:

      1. If propKey is not a string value, then use propKey as the prop value.
      2. If propKey is a string value and the caller instance dont have the propKey property, then use propKey as the prop value.
      3. If propKey is a string value and the caller instance have the propKey property, then use the caller's propKey property value as the prop value. And the prop value will be reactive.

      $events example, { [eventName]: [eventValue] }:

        click: 'clickHandler',
        select: this.selectHandler

      click and select are event names, and the event handlers will be taken by the following steps:

      1. If eventValue is not a string value, then use eventValue as the event handler.
      2. If eventValue is a string value, then use the caller's eventValue property value as the event handler.

      You can set all avaliable properties in Vue, but you need to add prefix $, eg:

        $attrs: {
          id: 'id'
        $class: {
          'my-class': true

      The Returned value instance:

      instance is a instantiated Vue component.

      And the remove method will be attached to this instance.

      You can invoke the remove method to destroy the component and detach the component's content from body element.

      If the caller is destroyed and the instance will be automatically destroyed.

  • Example:

    First we create Hello.vue component:

      <div @click="clickHandler">
        <slot name="other"></slot>
    <script type="text/ecmascript-6">
      export default {
        name: 'hello',
        props: {
          content: {
            type: String,
            default: 'Hello'
        methods: {
          clickHandler(e) {
            this.$emit('click', e)

    Then we make Hello.vue as an API style component by calling the createAPI method.

      import Vue from 'vue'
      import Hello from './Hello.vue'
      import CreateAPI from 'vue-create-api'
      // create this.$createHello API
      Vue.createAPI(Hello, true)
      // init Vue
      new Vue({
        el: '#app',
        render: function (h) {
          return h('button', {
            on: {
              click: this.showHello
          }, ['Show Hello'])
        methods: {
          showHello() {
            const instance = this.$createHello({
              $props: {
                content: 'My Hello Content',
              $events: {
                click() {
                  console.log('Hello component clicked.')
            }, /* renderFn */ (createElement) => {
              return [
                createElement('p', {
                  slot: 'other'
                }, 'other content')

    In this example, we create a component Hello which needs to be invoked in api form and we invoke it in another component.The focus is what showHello() does: invoking method this.$createHello(config, renderFn) to instantiate Hello.

How to use in general JS files or use it in global

In vue component, you can call by this.$createHello(config, renderFn) because the this is just a Vue instance. But in general JS files, you need to use Hello.$create. As shown below:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Hello from './Hello.vue'
import CreateAPI from 'vue-create-api'

// create this.$createHello and Hello.create API
Vue.createAPI(Hello, true)

Hello.$create(config, renderFn)

Notice, when we use in general JS files, we can't make props be reactive.

npm i vue-create-api


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • ustbhuangyi
  • released 12/4/2019
