
Vue CLI 3.x plugin to add TestCafe to your Vue Project

☕️ vue-cli-plugin-e2e-testcafe

e2e-testcafe plugin for vue-cli (WIP)

This adds E2E testing support using TestCafe.



  • Run TestCafe tests in headless chrome with vue-cli-service e2e
  • Run TestCafe tests in chrome with vue-cli-service e2e:open


  • Add eslint-plugin-testcafe
  • Add testcafe-vue-selectors
  • Run TestCafe tests in all browsers
  • Plugin generator
    • Example test scaffold
    • Generate e2e commands for all installed browsers
  • Options
    • Concurrency
    • Debug mode
    • Adjust timeout

Injected Commands

  • vue-cli-service e2e

    run e2e tests headlessly with testcafe "chrome:headless".


    --url      run e2e tests against given url instead of auto-starting dev server
    -s, --spec runs a specific spec file or a directory of spec files

    Additionally, all TestCafe CLI options for testcafe chrome:headless are also supported.

  • vue-cli-service e2e:open

    run e2e tests in interactive mode with testcafe chrome.


    --url      run e2e tests against given url instead of auto-starting dev server
    -s, --spec runs a specific spec file or a directory of spec files

    Additionally, all TestCafe CLI options for testcafe chrome are also supported.

    Both commands automatically starts a server in production mode to run the e2e tests against. If you want to run the tests multiple times without having to restart the server every time, you can start the server with vue-cli-service serve --mode production in one terminal, and then run e2e tests against that server using the --url option.


We've pre-configured TestCafe to place most of the e2e testing related files under <projectRoot>/tests/e2e.

Installing in an Already Created Project

npm install -D vue-cli-plugin-e2e-testcafe
npm i vue-cli-plugin-e2e-testcafe


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Matan Kushner
  • released 3/15/2018

