
M16y - Media Accessibility plugin
a11y m16y accessibility plugin vue widget media accessibility vueJS and 1 more...


contributors welcome

Vue plugin for a11y which enables media accessibility (m16y) customized controls widget for visually impaired user support in your app.


screenshot of plugin UI

It will inject a small widget with basic settings to for helping visually impaired user, including:

  1. Low visions (contrast sensitivy, brightness sensitivity, etc)
  2. Color blindness (texture support)


Brightness control

Allow user to change the brightness of the whole app.

Default: 100%

Contrast control

Allow user to change the contrsat of the whole app.

Default: 100%

Dark mode (Night mode)

Allow user to switch the app to dark theme, which is easier to read.

Default: false

Color blind mode

  • Allow user to enable color blind mode for images throughout the app. It will add texture to differentiate similar colors (red-green).

  • Currently only works when image is rendered using image-wrapper component.

Default: false

Grayscale mode

Allow user to switch the app to grayscale color theme.

Installing 🚀

Direct install from npm vue-accessibility-widget

$ npm install --save vue-accessibility-widget

Or yarn

$ yarn add vue-accessibility-widget

Getting started 👩‍💻

  • Add the plugin to Vue using
import M16yPlugin from 'vue-accessibility-widget';

  • Use Cloudinary plugins to get all other cool accessibility effect:
import M16yPlugin from 'vue-accessibility-widget';

Vue.use(M16yPlugin, {
  plugins: { 
    Cloudinary: {
      cloudName: <yourCloudName>  //if you want to use Cloudinary
  • In App.vue simple add attribute v-m16y-ctrls
<div id="app" v-m16y-ctrls>
<!--code here--/>

Or you can customize the attribute name by

Vue.use(M16yPlugin, {
  directiveName: 'v-access-ctrls',

And in App.vue

<div id="app" v-access-ctrls>
<!--code here--/>

And it will just work! 👍

Docs ✍️

Coming soon

Issues 😱

Any bug 🐛 or issue ❓, just drop me a line at Issues




  • MIT
  • >= 4.0.0
  • Maya Shavin
  • released 3/17/2019

