
Node client for Visual Studio Online/TFS REST APIs

Visual Studio Team Services Client for Node.js

Integrate with Visual Studio Team Services from your Node.js apps.

Install the library

npm install vso-node-api --save


6.3.2 has been released and is out of preview. This release contains the latest generated 4.0 VSTS/TFS api contracts. It also consumes the latest typed-rest-client.

Note: as of released 6.3.2 version, the web api create methods need to be async so you must use await. For example, note the await in this sample

Get started


See samples for complete coding examples

Install the library

npm install vso-node-api --save


Create a connection

let vsts = require('vso-node-api');

// your collection url
let collectionUrl = "https://fabrikam.visualstudio.com/defaultcollection";

// ideally from config
let token: string = "cbdeb34vzyuk5l4gxc4qfczn3lko3avfkfqyb47etahq6axpcqha"; 

let authHandler = vsts.getPersonalAccessTokenHandler(token); 
let connect = new vsts.WebApi(collectionUrl, authHandler);    

Get an instance of a client

import * as ba from 'vso-node-api/BuildApi';

let vstsBuild: ba.IBuildApi = connection.getBuildApi();

Available clients

These clients are available in the new 6.x preview API (npm install vso-node-api@preview)

  • Build
  • Core
  • Dashboard
  • ExtensionManagement
  • FeatureManagement
  • FileContainer
  • Git
  • Locations
  • Notification
  • Policy
  • Profile
  • ProjectAnalysis
  • Release
  • SecurityRoles
  • TaskAgent
  • Task
  • Test
  • Tfvc
  • Work
  • WorkItemTracking
  • WorkItemTrackingProcess
  • WorkItemTrackingProcessDefinitions

Use the client

Coding is easy using linear coding with async/await in typescript

import * as bi from 'vso-node-api/interfaces/BuildInterfaces';

async function run() {
    let project: string = 'myProject';
    let defs: bi.DefinitionReference[] = await vstsBuild.getDefinitions(project);

    defs.forEach((defRef: bi.DefinitionReference) => {
        console.log(defRef.name + ' (' + defRef.id + ')');



To see what APIs are available, see the appropriate client interface. For example, GitApi.ts

Running Samples

Pre-reqs: Node >= 4.4.7 LTS and typescript (tsc) >= 1.8

Run npm install first

Set environment variables using set or export:


// use your token


Run samples:

$ npm run samples

Run a specific sample:

$ npm run samples -- http


To contribute to this repository, see the contribution guide

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.

npm i vso-node-api


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • released 4/2/2018

