
Vow-based task queue

vow-queue NPM version Build Status

vow-queue is a module for task queue with weights and priorities


Module can be installed using npm:

npm install vow-queue

or bower:

bower install vow-queue


var Queue = require('vow-queue'),
    queue = new Queue({ weightLimit : 10 });
queue.enqueue(function() { // simple function
    return 2 * 2;

queue.enqueue(function() { // function returns a promise
    // do job
    return promise;

queue.enqueue( // task with custom priority and weight
    function() {
        // do job
        priority : 3, // this task will be started before the previous two
        weight   : 5
queue.start(); // starts tasks processing

queue.enqueue(function() { }); // and enqueue yet another task


Creating queue

####new Queue([params])

  • params.weightLimit=100 limit of summary tasks weight which can be processed concurrently

Methods of queue

####Promise enqueue(taskFn, [taskParams]) Enqueue given task in queue

  • taskFn task function which can return either a promise or a value
  • taskParams.weight=1 weight of given task
  • taskParams.priority=1 priority of given task

Returns promise which will be resolved when given task is done

####void start() Starts processing of tasks in queue

####void stop() Stops processing of tasks in queue

####Boolean isStarted() Returns whether processing is started

####void setParams(params) Sets queue params

  • params.weightLimit=100 limit of summary tasks weight which can be processed concurrently

####Object getStats() Returns statistics about queue

npm i vow-queue


  • MIT
  • >= 0.8.0
  • Dmitry Filatov
  • released 10/4/2017

