
A very limited subset of viewport functions I use every day
browser viewport document size position contains margins rect


A very limited subset of viewport functions I use every day


npm i viewport-funcs

Package on npm


contains(el, [offset], [check])

Check if el is in the viewport, return a boolean

Argument Action
el the tested Html Element el
offset optional offset, default to 0
check optional check, default to false. If true performs multiple tests explained below

If check is true, safer but slower tests are performed

  • check if el is a Html Element, with nodeType 1 and landed in the document.body
  • check if el has no size. An empty or a display:none div or an img with no src will always return false
const contains = require('viewport-funcs/contains')

var el = document.querySelector('.rect')

// true if the element is fully or partially in the viewport


Get the viewport size and margins

left, top, right and bottom are relative to each side of the document

The object returned contains:

Key Value
width the viewport width
height the viewport height
left the margin-left, distance between the left of the document and the left of the viewport
top the margin-top, distance between the top of the document and the top of the viewport
right the margin-right, distance between the right of the document and the right of the viewport
bottom the margin-bottom, distance between the bottom of the document and the bottom of the viewport

The example below shows:

  • how to get the viewport bottom-right corner location
  • how to get the document width and height
const margins = require('viewport-funcs/margins')

// {width: 591, height: 328, left: 0, top: 56, right: 0, bottom: 316}
var data = margins()

the viewport bottom-right corner location
{x: 591, y: 384}
var br = {x: data.left + data.width, y: + data.height}

the document width and height
{width: 591, height: 700}
var doc = {
   width: data.left + data.width  + data.right,
  height:  + data.height + data.bottom

The returned object is internally cached to boost performance


Get the viewport size and position

left, top, right and bottom are relative to the top-left of the document

The object returned contains:

Key Value
width the viewport width
height the viewport height
left the distance between the left of the document and the left of the viewport
top the distance between the top of the document and the top of the viewport
right the distance between the left of the document and the right of the viewport
bottom the distance between the top of the document and the bottom of the viewport

This means:

  • right = left + width
  • bottom = top + height

The returned object is internally cached to boost performance

const rect = require('viewport-funcs/rect')

// {width: 800, height: 600, left: 10, top: 10, right: 810, bottom: 610}


Mainly forked / inspired on

Performance and tips from



npm i viewport-funcs


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jérôme Decoster
  • released 7/28/2016

