
Chip-type and clock converter for VGM.
vgm chiptune psg ym2151 ym2413 ym2612 ym2203 ym2608 ym3812 and 5 more...

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Chip-type and clock converter for VGM.

Clock Conversion

vgm-conv can change chip's clock while maintaining note's frequency. Supported chips are sn76489, ay8910, ym2151, ym2203, ym2608, ym3812, y8950, ym3526, ymf262 and ym2413.

Type Conversion

vgm-conv supports non-trivial conversion across various chip types.

ay8910 ym2151, ym2203, ym2608, ym3526, ym3812, y8950, ymf262
sn76489 ay8910, ym2203, ym2608
ym2413 ym2608, ym3812, y8950, ym3526, ymf262
ym2203, ym2203.ssg ay8910, ym3812, y8950, ym3526, ymf262
ym2608, ym2608.ssg ay8910
ym2203, ym2413, ym3812, y8950, ym3526, ymf262
ym2608,, ym2608.r ym2413
ym2612,, ym2612.dac ym2413,, ym2151
ym3812 ym3526, y8950, ym2413
ym3526, y8950 ym3812, ym2413

Note: downgrade conversion (ex. YM2203 to YM2413 conversion) is highly limited thus don't expect much.


  • YM2413 to YM2608 supports FM1-6 and rhythm conversion. FM7,8,9 channels are ignored.
  • YM2608 to YM2203 does not support the rhythm part conversion.
  • SN76489 to AY8910
    • Noise conversion is partially supported; SN76489 has the independent noise channel and the periodic noise generator, but AY8910 does not. So full conversion is not possible.
  • As for YM2612 DAC, only register 2A stream can be converted. VGM's DAC stream commands is not supported.
  • Dual chip is not supported.
  • YM3812 to YM3526 or Y8950 conversion drops the waveform information.
  • Y8950 ADPCM is not supported.
  • OPN Extended FM 3ch mode and SSG-EG are not supported.


$ npm install -g vgm-conv


Convert YM3812 clock to 4.00MHz

$ vgm-conv -f ym3812 -c 4000000 -o output.vgm input.vgm

Convert YM2612 to YM2413(@3.58MHz)

$ vgm-conv -f ym2612 -t ym2413 -o output.vgm input.vgm

Convert YM2612 to YM2413(@4.00MHz)

$ vgm-conv -f ym2612 -t ym2413 -c 4000000 -o output.vgm input.vgm

Convert only YM2612 DAC part to YM2413 7.5bit DAC

$ vgm-conv -f ym2612.dac -t ym2413 -D useTestMode=true -o output.vgm input.vgm

Convert YM2203's FM part to YM2413 and SSG part to AY8910

$ vgm-conv -f -t ym2413 input.vgm | vgm-conv -f ym2203 -t ay8910 -o output.vgm


$ vgm-conv --help


  Chip-type and clock converter for VGM. 


  vgm-conv [<option>] <file> 


  -i, --input file          Input VGM file. Standard input will be used if not  
  -f, --from chip           Specify source chip type.                           
  -t, --to chip             Specify destination chip type.                      
  -c, --clock clock         Specify clock in Hz of destination chip. The        
                            typical clock value will be applied if not          
  -D, --define name=value   Define converter option variable. See below.        
  -o, --output file         Output VGM file. The standard output is used if not 
                            speicified. If the given file is *.vgz, the output  
                            will be compressed.                                 
  --no-gd3                  Remove GD3 tag from output.                         
  --voice-table file        Specify the voice table file in JavaScript.         
  --voiceTable file         (deprecated) Specify the voice table file in        
  -v, --version             Show version.                                       
  -h, --help                Show this help.                                     


  AVAILABLE CHIPS                
  sn76489, ym2612                
  ay8910, ym2151, ym2203, ym2608 
  ym3812, ym3526, y8950, ymf262  


  FROM                            TO                                            
  ay8910                          ym2203, ym2608, ym3812, y8950, ym3526, ymf262 
  sn76489                         ay8910, ym2203, ym2608, ym2612                
  ym2413                          ym2608, ym3812, y8950, ym3526, ymf262         
  ym2203,               ym2413                                        
  ym2608,, ym2608.r     ym2413                                        
  ym2203.ssg                      ay8910                                        
  ym2608.ssg                      ay8910                                        
  ym2612,, ym2612.dac   ym2413                                        
  ym2203,,    ym2151                                        
  ym3812                          y8950, ym3526, ym2413                         
  y8950, ym3526                   ym3812, ym2413                                

YM2203 to OPL (YM3812/Y8950/YM3526/YMF262) OPTIONS

  -D ssgAttenuation=n   Set SSG volume attenuation level to 0.75*n(dB). The     
                        effective range is -63<=n<=63.                          

OPN (YM2203/YM2608/YM2612) to YM2413 OPTIONS

  -D opmOutput=filename   Output VOPM voice file. VOPM voices are only logged   
                          if this is included.                                  

AY8910 to YM2151 OPTIONS

  -D squareWaveAttenuation=n   Volume attenuation for the SSG square tone.      
                               0<=n<=127. The default value is 8.               
  -D whiteNoiseAttenuation=n   Volume attenuation for the SSG noice. 0<=n<=127. 
                               The default value is 68.                         

YM2413 to OPL (YM3812/Y8950/YM3526/YMF262) OPTIONS

  -D opllVariant=ym2413|vrc7|ymf281b   Specify the YM2413 variant name. If not  
                                       specified, it is detected from the VGM   

YM2413 to YM2608 OPTIONS

  -D opllVariant=ym2413|vrc7|ymf281b   Specify the YM2413 variant name. If not  
                                       specified, it is detected from the VGM   

YM2203 to YM2151 OPTIONS

  -D ssgAttenuation=n          Volume attenuation for the SSG. 0<=n<=127. The   
                               default value is 0.                              
  -D squareWaveAttenuation=n   Additional volume attenuation for the SSG square 
                               tone. 0<=n<=127. The default value is 8.         
  -D whiteNoiseAttenuation=n   Additional volume attenuation for the SSG noice. 
                               0<=n<=127. The default value is 0.                            

YM2612 to YM2413 OPTIONS

  -D decimation=n                   Decimate 1 of n PCM data. 2 to 4 is         
                                    recommended if USB serial device (like      
                                    SPFM) is used to play VGM. n=0 disables the 
                                    feature and results the best playback       
                                    quality. The default value is 4.            
  -D dacEmulation=fmpcm|test|none   fmpcm: use the pseudo 6-bit DAC emulation   
                                    on FM channels is used (default).           
                                    test:  use YM2413 test mode to realize      
                                    7.5bit DAC but this disables all FM         
                                    none:  disable DAC emulation (default).     

SN76489 to AY8910 OPTIONS

  -D mixChannel=value                    Specify the AY8910 channel used for    
                                         noise output. The value must be one of 
                                         0, 1, 2 or none. The default value is  
                                         If 'none' is specified, all noise part 
                                         will be silent.                        
                                         Since AY8910 has no independent noise  
                                         channel, SN76489's noise channel will  
                                         be mixed with a tone channel into the  
                                         single AY8910's channel specified by   
                                         this option.                           
  -D mixResolver=tone|noise|mix          This option determines the behavior    
                                         when tone and noise are requested to   
                                         be key-on simultaneously on the same   
                                         AY8910 channel.                        
                                         - tone: tone will be output. noise     
                                         will be silent.                        
                                         - noise: noise will be output. tone    
                                         will be silent.                        
                                         - mix: both tone and noise will be     
                                         output (default).                      
  -D periodicNoiseAssignment=value       Specify the target to which SN76489's  
                                         periodic noise will be converted. The  
                                         value must be one of the following:    
                                         - tone: square wave (default).         
                                         - noise: white noise.                  
                                         - mix: square wave + white nosie.      
                                         - env.tri: hardware triangle envelope. 
                                         This will always make volume maximum.  
                                         - env.saw: hardware saw envelope. The  
                                         will always make volume maximum.       
                                         - none: no output.                     
  -D periodicNoisePitchShift=n           The pitch shift amount of the periodic 
                                         noise conversion. pow(2, -n) will be   
                                         multiplied to the noise frequency. The 
                                         default value is 4.                    
  -D channelAttenuationMap=n1,n2,n3,n4   Volume attenuation mapping for SN76489 
                                         channels. n1, n2, ... n4 correspond    
                                         to SN76489's ch1, ch2, ... ch4         
                                         respectively. The default value is     
  -D whiteNoiseAttenuation=n             Additional volume attenuation for the  
                                         white noise. This value will be added  
                                         to the n4 specified on                 
                                         volumeAttenuationMap. The default      
                                         value is 0.                            
  -D periodicNoiseAttenuation=n          Additional volume attenuation for      
                                         periodic noise. This value will be     
                                         added to the n4 specified on           
                                         volumeAttenuationMap. The default      
                                         value is 0.                            
  -D noisePitchMap=n1,n2,n3              The noise frequency of AY8910. n1, n2  
                                         and n3 correspond to SN76489's noise   
                                         frequency 0, 1 and 2 respectively. The 
                                         default value is 7,15,31.              


  YM2612 to YM2413                        $ vgm-conv -f ym2612 -t ym2413        
  Both YM2413 and AY8910 to YM2608        $ vgm-conv -f ay8910 -t ym2608        
                                          input.vgm | vgm-conv -f ym2413 -t     
  YM2203's FM part to YM2413 and SSG      $ vgm-conv -f -t ym2413     
  part to AY8910                          input.vgm | vgm-conv -f ym2203 -t     
  Only DAC part of YM2612 to YM2413       $ vgm-conv -f ym2612.dac -t ym2413    
  YM2612 to [email protected]                $ vgm-conv -f ym2612 -t ym2413 -c     
                                          4000000 input.vgm                     

  YM2612 to YM2413                                    $ vgm-conv -f ym2612 -t ym2413 input.vgm                                                 
  Both YM2413 and AY8910 to YM2608                    $ vgm-conv -f ay8910 -t ym2608 input.vgm | vgm-conv -f ym2413 -t ym2608    
  YM2203's FM part to YM2413 and SSG part to AY8910   $ vgm-conv -f -t ym2413 input.vgm | vgm-conv -f ym2203 -t ay8910 
  Only DAC part of YM2612 to YM2413                   $ vgm-conv -f ym2612.dac -t ym2413 input.vgm                                             
  YM2612 to [email protected]                            $ vgm-conv -f ym2612 -t ym2413 -c 4000000 input.vgm     

Voice Table (Experimental)

The voice table configuration can be defined in JavaScript. Only OPN/OPNA/OPN2 to OPLL conversions are supported. To load the voice table configuration, use --voice-table <file> option.

const [HH, CYM, TOM, SD, BD] = [1 << 10, 1 << 11, 1 << 12, 1 << 13, 1 << 14];
const [Violin, Piano, Guitar, Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Trumpet, Organ, Horn, Synthsizer, Harpsichord, Vibraphone, SynthBass, WoodBass, ElectricBass] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15];

module.exports = {
  voiceTable: {
    opn2opll: {
      // Override `-D dacEmulation` option. This must be set "none" to enable rhythm channels.
      dacEmulation: "none",
      // User defined voice table
      voices: {
        // Original Tones can be defined from program number 16 to 1023.
        16: [0x01, 0x01, 0x1c, 0x07, 0xf0, 0xd7, 0x00, 0x11],
      mapping: {
        // i: Voice Number (required)
        // - 1...15: ROM Voice
        // - 16...1023: User defined voice
        // - 1024: HiHat, 2048: Cymbal, 4096: Tom, 8192: Snare, 16384: Bassdrum
        // v: Volume offset: -15<=v<=15 (default: 0)
        // o: Octave offset: -7<=o<=7 (default: 0)
        "520030001c1f257fdf1fdf1f0709068607060608251515f5000000000100": { i: Harpsichord, v: 1, o: -1 },
        "0f30005000120f121f1f1f1d01000106000f010b113117f1000000003e00": { i: SD, v: -1, o: -1 },
        "3e5051501f171c10df1bdf1f07070e040701010154f65572000000002b00": { i: WoodBass },
        "0f300050001a171a1f1f1f1d01000106000f010b113117f1000000003e00": { i: 16, v: 1, o: -1 },
      // autoMap controls the fallback voice if no match is found in the mapping table.
      // - An appropriate ROM voice will be selected if autoMap is true.
      // - Slient if autoMap is false.
      autoMap: true,

The original instrument hash to the program number mapping can be seen on the console after running vgm-conv without specifiying --voice-table. You can copy them into the template above.

npm i vgm-conv


  • ISC
  • >=18.0.0
  • Mitsutaka Okazaki
  • released 9/6/2024

