
Increment and update version in all project files
version bump major minor patch release

verup npm version


Increment and update version in all project files.


npm i --save-dev verup

For convenience, install it globally too:

npm i -g verup

Actually, it is not required to install verup if you have [email protected] and up.

Just run npx verup after you've added extra.verup field to package.json file.

Here is an example of what package.json might contain:

"scripts": {
  "verup": "verup",
  "build": "verup -- 1 &&",
  "version": "verup 0" // this one gets called on `npm version <newver>` to patch other project files
"extra": {
  "verup": {
    "files": [...],


Now you can run:

npx verup 1       # to increment revision by 1 or
npx verup -2      # to decrement revision by 2 or
npx verup "1.0"   # to increment minor version by 1 or
npx verup "1.0.0" # to increment major version by 1

Or using npm in your project's root, when you have scripts.verup in package.json (see example above):

npm run verup -- 2    # to increment revision by 2 or
npm run verup -- -1   # to decrement revision by 1 or
npm run verup -- -1.0 # to decrement minor version by 1
npm version [<newver> | major | minor | patch | ...] --no-git-tag-version

When verup is installed globally, you could run it in the project folder like this:

verup 1
verup 1.0
verup -1.0

If you have subprojects, and want to avoid confusion as of which project to patch, use -n <projectName> option:

./node_modules/my-subproject/node_modules/verup -n 'main-project' -b 1.0

This will look for package.json with name == 'main-project' in all parent folders, until it finds the right level, and patch the files at that level.

In package.json

The minimum setup for your project is to add the list of file names that contain version string to package.json at extra.verup.files. Here is a sample:

"extra": {
  "verup": {
    "files": [
      "README.MD" ...

If the file is a .json, version is expected to be at key version. Otherwise version string is searched line by line using a list of regular expressions. By default it would look for expressions like:

  • var version = 'x.x.x'
  • $version = 'x.x.x'
  • version := 'x.x.x'
  • @version x.x.x
  • const VERSION = 'x.x.x'
  • * vX.X.X

You can define you own list of regular expressions in package.json at extra.verup.regs:

"extra": {
  "verup": {
    "regs": [


Consider reading semver.


