
Polymer element providing configurable responsive layout for form elements
Vaadin form-layout web-components web-component polymer

Bower version Published on Build Status Gitter


Live Demo ↗ | API documentation ↗

<vaadin-form-layout> is a Polymer 2 element providing configurable responsive layout for form elements, part of the Vaadin Core Elements.

  <vaadin-text-field label="First Name" value="Jane"></vaadin-text-field>
  <vaadin-text-field label="Last Name" value="Doe"></vaadin-text-field>
  <vaadin-text-field label="Email" value="[email protected]"></vaadin-text-field>

Screenshot of vaadin-form-layout

Running demos and tests in browser

  1. Fork the vaadin-form-layout repository and clone it locally.

  2. Make sure you have npm installed.

  3. When in the vaadin-form-layout directory, run npm install and then bower install to install dependencies.

  4. Run polymer serve --open, browser will automatically open the component API documentation.

  5. You can also open demo or in-browser tests by adding demo or test to the URL, for example:

Running tests from the command line

  1. When in the vaadin-form-layout directory, run polymer test

Following the coding style

We are using ESLint for linting JavaScript code. You can check if your code is following our standards by running gulp lint, which will automatically lint all .js files as well as JavaScript snippets inside .html files.


  • Make sure your code is compliant with our code linters: gulp lint
  • Check that tests are passing: npm test
  • Submit a pull request with detailed title and description
  • Wait for response from one of Vaadin Elements team members


Apache License 2.0

