
A way to create persistent fragments
udomdiff wire persistent fragment


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A way to create persistent "wired" fragments that can be moved around when diffed through µdomdiff.

import {diffable, persistent} from 'uwire';

const wire = persistent(fragment);
diffable(wire, 1);  // repopulate all nodes, if gone, returns the fragment
diffable(wire, 0);  // return the initial fragment firstChild
diffable(wire, -0); // return the initial fragment lastChild
diffable(wire, -1); // remove all nodes and return the firstChild

If the fragment has only one child node, the diffable will always return that child node instead, making it a no-op.

Why it this called wire?

It's like attaching, via strings (wires), the behavior of a fragment that cannot be used to obtain the same result.

A wire is not really a fragment per se, but it carries with it all it's needed to reuse, move, remove, re-append, such fragment.

◀---[wire]        |
        ├--------▶├ firstChild
        |         ├ ...
        └--------▶└ lastChild


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Andrea Giammarchi
  • released 3/12/2020

