
Simple js utilities to speed your work


Simple js utilities to speed up your work

Table of contents


Use npm to install the package

$ npm i utilizes

In Node.js:

const utilizes = require('utilizes')

using typescript or es6:

import utilizes from 'utilizes'



Put children beside their father

Usage: beside<T>(tree: Array<T>, prop: keyof T): Array<T>

import { beside } from 'utilizes/beside'

const tree = [
    level: 0,
    id: 1,
    children: [
        level: 1,
        id: 2
    level: 0,
    id: 3,
    children: [
        level: 1,
        id: 4

beside(tree, `children`)
// Output: [{ id:1, ... }, { id:2, ... }, { id:3, ... }, { id:4,... }]


Run on each unique object of the lists and bring the same object from the other lists and give them to you, so you can be able to compare them. If the object does not exist in some list you get an undefined in is place.

Usage: eachDiff<T>(lists: Array<Array<T>>, callback: (items: Array<T>, indexes: Array<number>, lists) => void, detectBy?: keyof T): lists

import { eachDiff } from 'utilizes/each-diff'

  listVersionA = [
      name: `Sharon`,
      stars: 100
      name: `Adrien`,
      stars: 100
  listVersionB = [
      name: `Skye`,
      stars: 100
      name: `Adrien`,
      stars: 150

  [listVersionA, listVersionB], // It can be any length of lists
  ([obVersionA, obVersionB]) => {
    if (obVersionA === undefined) console.log(`${obVersionB.name} is newer`)
    else if (obVersionB === undefined) console.log(`${obVersionA.name} deleted`)
    else if (obVersionB.stars > obVersionA.stars) console.log(`${obVersionA.name} have now ${obVersionB.stars} stars instad of ${obVersionA.stars}`)
  `name` // unique unchangeable property to determain that it is the same object in another version
// Output:  "Skye is newer" and "Sharon deleted" and "Adrien have now 150 stars instad of 100"


Run on each unique object of the lists and bring the same object from the other lists and give them to you, so you can be able to compare them. If the object does not exist in some list you get an undefined in is place.

Return array of the value that you return from the callback function

Usage: mapDiff<T, R>(lists: Array<Array<T>>, callback: (items: Array<T>, indexes: Array<number>, lists) => R, detectBy?: keyof T): Array<R>

import { mapDiff } from 'utilizes/map-diff'

  listVersionA = [
      name: `Sharon`,
      stars: 100
      name: `Adrien`,
      stars: 100
  listVersionB = [
      name: `Skye`,
      stars: 100
      name: `Adrien`,
      stars: 150

  [listVersionA, listVersionB], // It can be any length of lists
  ([obVersionA, obVersionB]) => {
    if (obVersionA === undefined) return `${obVersionB.name} is newer`
    else if (obVersionB === undefined) return `${obVersionA.name} deleted`
    else if (obVersionB.stars > obVersionA.stars) return `${obVersionA.name} have now ${obVersionB.stars} stars instad of ${obVersionA.stars}`
  `name` // unique unchangeable property to determain that it is the same object in another version
// Output:  ["Skye is newer", "Sharon deleted", "Adrien have now 150 stars instad of 100"]


Return false when one or more of the given values not include in the array, else return true

Usage: includesMany<T>(collection: ArrayLike<T>, ...targets: Array<T>): boolean

import { includesMany } from 'utilizes/includes-many'

includesMany([`value1`], `value1`, `value2`)
// Output: false

includesMany([`value1`, `value2`], `value1`, `value2`)
// Output: true


Return one when is have only one item, return all when is have more then one item

Usage: oneOrAll<T>(array: Array<T> | T, callbackfn?): Array<T> | T

import { oneOrAll } from 'utilizes/one-or-all'

oneOrAll(['item']) // Return one when is have only one item
// Output: 'item'
oneOrAll(['item', 'item2']) // Return all when is have more then one item
// Output: ['item', 'item2']
oneOrAll('item') // Return the value when is have value that are not array
// Output: 'item'
oneOrAll([]) // Ignore when its not have an items
// Output: undefined
oneOrAll([2], (value)=>value * 2) // callback for one - return the callback result
// Output: 4
oneOrAll([2, 4], (value)=>value * 2) // callback for many - return array of callback result
// Output: [4, 8]


Push safely to array. returning the length of the array - if the item pushed successfully.

Usage: push(object, pathToArray, ...items): number

import { push } from 'utilizes/push'

{ /*example for using with array that inside an object */

    const ob = {}

    push(ob, 'path.to.arr', 'item1', 'item2')
    // Output: 2
    // Output: ['item1', 'item2']

{/*example for using on simple array that attempt to be exist */

    let arr: any[] = null

    push(arr, 'item')
    // Output: undefined
    arr = []

    push(arr, 'item')
    // Output: 1



Checks if the callback returns truthy for any element of the array. Iteration is stopped once the callback returns truthy

Return the truthy value or the last falsy value if none of the iteration returns truthy

Usage: someTruthy<T, R>(list: Array<T>, callback: (value: T, index: number, list: Array<T>) => R, reverse?: boolean): R

import { someTruthy } from 'utilizes/some-truthy'

someTruthy([0, 1, 2], num => num) // Return the first truthy value it find
// Output: 1
someTruthy([0, false, undefined, null], falsy => falsy) // Return the last falsy value it find if non of the given items is truthy
// Output: null
someTruthy([0, 1, 2], num => num, true) // The last argument is for iterates from right to left instead of left to right
// Output: 2


Checks if the callback returns truthy for any element of the array. Iteration is stopped once the callback returns truthy

Return the truthy value or the last falsy value if none of the iteration returns truthy

Run over the given array from right to left

Usage: someTruthyRight<T, R>(list: Array<T>, callback: (value: T, index: number, list: Array<T>) => R): R

import { someTruthyRight } from 'utilizes/some-truthy-right'

someTruthyRight([0, 1, 2], num => num) // Return the first truthy value it found, from the right to left
// Output: 2
someTruthyRight([0, false, undefined, null], falsy => falsy) // Return the last falsy value if non of the given items is truthy, from the right to left
// Output: 0



Return true if the given area is found on a given element, else false

Usage: area({ pageX: number, pageY: number }, of: HTMLElement): boolean

import { area } from 'utilizes/area'

const myButton = document.getElementById('my-button'))

window.addEventListener('click', ({ pageX, pageY }) => {
  if (area({ pageX, pageY }, myButton)) {
    alert(`you clicked on my button`)


Creates style element with the css inserted to him and ready to put into the document

Usage: createStyle(css: string): HTMLStyleElement

import { createStyle } from 'utilizes/create-style'

    color: red;


Easy way to inject style to web components with attach shadow. note that it only work if the shadow mode set to "open".

This helper keep track of changes in the dom for keep the dom upgrade with the needed styles. so if you want to cancel the detection in any point, you can invoke the return function that returned from this helper when you initialize it.

The second argument is for setting the timeout for detection cycle.

Usage: easyStyleShadow(css: { [key: string]: string }, timeout?: number): Function

import { easyStyleShadow } from 'utilizes/easy-style-shadow'

const stopDetection = easyStyleShadow({
 'ion-not-styleable-element': `
       padding-bottom: 5px;
      display: none !important;
 'another-cool-element-from-new-library': `
    color: yellow;
// if you want to stop the detection of this helper just invoke the return value in any time, like so:


Get information about z-index state in your application

Usage: mapZIndex(): Array<{ element: Element, zIndex: number }>

import { mapZIndex } from 'utilizes/map-z-index'

// Output: tree of your elements with the information about they z-index value


Get the current offset of the given element

Usage: offset(item: Element | Partial<ClientRect> | Partial<DOMRect>): { top: number, left: number }

import { offset } from 'utilizes/offset'

const specialElement = document.getElementById('special-element')

// Output the offset top and offset left of given element
// also work


Get the current x and y of given element. also return the offset.

Usage: visiblePartOf(element: HTMLElement): { x: number, y: number, offsetTop: number, offsetLeft: number }

import { visiblePartOf } from 'utilizes/visible-part-of'

const specialElement = document.getElementById('special-element')

// Output the x and y of the element, also give you information about the current offset top and left



Bind all methods of the given object to the object

Usage: bind(this): this

import { bind } from 'utilizes/bind'

class CoolService {

  constructor() {
    bind(this) // binding this via utilizes.bind

  count = 0

  increment() {


const coolService = new CoolService()

const increment = coolService.increment

increment() // 'this.count++' point to coolService.count

// Output: 1


Invoke your function when you declare it.

aliases: "invoke"

Usage: doDeclare(func: Function, args?: Array): Function

import { doDeclare } from 'utilizes/do-declare'

const func = doDeclare(()=> console.log(123))
// Output: 123
// Output: 123


Invoke set of functions with same arguments at ones, and get the results.

Usage: returns<F>(functions: Array<F>, ...args: ArgumentsType<F>): Array<ReturnType<F>>

import { returns } from 'utilizes/returns'

    add = (a, b) => a + b
    subtract = (a, b)=> a - b

returns([add, subtract], 2,1)
// Output: [3,1]


Invoke function multiple times with other arguments, and get the results.

Usage: scenarios(func: (...args) => any, ...funcArgs: Array<typeof args>): Array<ReturnType<typeof func>>

import { scenarios } from 'utilizes/scenarios'

const add = (a, b) => a + b

scenarios(add, [1, 2], [3, 4])
// Output: [3, 7]



Creates an array of objects from given range, each object contain number and his name

Usage: rangeWithNames(start: number, end: number, step?: number): Array<{ number: number, name: string }>

import { rangeWithNames } from 'utilizes/range-with-names'

// Output: [ { number: 1, name: 'one' }, { number: 2, name: 'two' } ]
// Output: [ { number: 3, name: 'three' }, { number: 4, name: 'four' } ]



Delete recursive properties of object

Usage: delRecursive<T extends Object>(ob: T, toDelete: Array): T

import { delRecursive } from 'utilizes/del-recursive'

const person = {
  id: 1,
  name: 'john',
  metadata: {
    personId: 1,
    goodParson: true,
    family: {
      sister: 'lola'

const propsToDelete = ['id', 'personId', 'sister']

delRecursive(person, propsToDelete)
// Output:  {
//   name: 'john',
//   metadata: {
//     goodParson: true,
//     family: { }
//   }
// }


Creates an object composed of the own and inherited enumerable string keyed properties of object that doesn't null or undefined.

Usage: omitNil<T>(object: T): T

import { omitNil } from 'utilizes/omit-nil'

  a: null,
  b: `Some value`,
  c: undefined,
  d: false
// Output: { b: 'Some value', d: false }


Creates an object composed of the own and inherited enumerable string keyed properties of object that doesn't undefined.

Usage: omitUndefined<T>(object: T): T

import { omitUndefined } from 'utilizes/omit-undefined'

  a: null,
  b: `Some value`,
  c: undefined,
  d: false
// Output: { a: null, b: `Some value`,  d: false }


Check if partial of object equal to another object. when pathes supplies, check the value of the pathes in the object if they equal

Usage: partialEqual<T>(input1: T, input2: T, ...pathes): boolean

import { partialEqual } from 'utilizes/partial-equal'

partialEqual({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 1, b: 1 })
// Output: true
partialEqual({ a: 2, b: 2 }, { a: 1, b: 2 }, `a`, `b`)
// Output: false
partialEqual({ a: 2, b: 2 }, { a: 1, b: 2 }, `b`))
// Output: true


Set value to path's in object. value can be a function (with three arguments: currentValue, path, object) that invoked for the specific path.

When value is function, the return value from it is set for the current path. if the return value is undefined, the current path is skipped.

Usage: set<T extends object>(object: T, value: any, ...paths: Many<string | number | symbol>[]): T

import { set } from 'utilizes/set'

{/*path can br one or more paths*/
  const ob = {
    prop: 1

  set(ob, 2, 'prop', 'anotherProp', '0.0')
  // Output:  {
  //   prop: 2,
  //   anotherProp: 2,
  //   0: [2],
  // }

{/*value via function*/
  const ob = {
    prop: 1

  set(ob, (currentValue) => currentValue === 1 ? 2 : 1, 'prop', 'anotherProp', '0.0')
  // Output:  {
  //   prop: 2,
  //   anotherProp: 1,
  //   0: [1]
  // }


Set value to path's in object. value can be a function (with three arguments: currentValue, path, object) that invoked for the specific path.

When value is function, the return value from it is set for the current path. if the return value is undefined, the current path is skipped.

this method is for multiple objects.

Usage: setEach<T extends object>(object: []T, value: any, ...paths: Many<string | number | symbol>[]): []T

import { setEach } from 'utilizes/set-each'

const obs = [
    prop: 1
     prop: 1

setEach(ob, 2, 'prop')
// Output:  [
//    {
//     prop: 2
//    },
//    {
//      prop: 2
//    }
// ]


Set recursive properties on object

Usage: setRecursive<T extends Object>(on: T, to: { [key: string]: any }, whenExist?: boolean): T

import { setRecursive } from 'utilizes/set-recursive'

const person = {
  id: 1,
  name: 'john',
  metadata: {
    personId: 1,
    goodParson: true,
    family: {
      personId: 1,
      sister: 'lola'

const propsToSet = { id: 2, personId: 2 }

setRecursive(person, propsToSet)
// Output: {
//   id: 2,
//   name: 'john',
//   metadata: {
//     personId: 2,
//     goodParson: true,
//     family: {
//       personId: 2,
//       sister: 'lola'
//     }
//   }
// }
setRecursive(person, propsToSet, false) // This will set the given properties even if they not exist initially
// Output: {
//   id: 2,
//   personId: 2,
//   name: 'john',
//   metadata: {
//     personId: 2,
//     id: 2,
//     goodParson: true,
//     family: {
//       personId: 2,
//       id: 2,
//       sister: 'lola'
//     }
//   }


Convert given object to enum like

Usage: toEnum(ob: { [key: string]: any }): { [key: string]: any }

import { toEnum } from 'utilizes/to-enum'

toEnum({ 1: 'good' })
// Output: { '1': 'good', good: '1' }


Toggle property truthines. if the value is falsy set it to true, otherwise set it to false.

The third parameter is the values to toggle between. default to "[true, false]".

Return the toggled value.

Usage: toggle<I>(object, path: keyof object, values?: Array<I>): I | boolean

import { toggle } from 'utilizes/toggle'

const object = {
  foo: {
    bar: false
  num: 0

toggle(object, `foo.bar`)
// Output: true
toggle(object, `num`, [1, 0]) // or "toggle(object, `num`, 1, 0)"
// Output: 1



Get all combinations from a given string. you can specify the separator and how you want to get the result (join with specific symbol)

Usage: allCombinations(target: string | Array<string>, joinSymbol?:string, separator?:string): Array<string> | Array<Array<string>>

import { allCombinations } from 'utilizes/all-combinations'

allCombinations(`all-combinations`, `-`) // the separator (the third argument) is the same as the joinSymbol by default
// Output: ["all", "combinations", "all-combinations", "combinations-all"]
allCombinations(`all-combinations`, ` `, `-`) // if you want the separator to be other then join-symbol, specify it in the third argument
// Output: ["all", "combinations", "all combinations", "combinations all"]
allCombinations(`all-combinations`, null, `-`) // it can be also without the join symbol, so it will cause result without joining aka array of array of string
// Output: [["all"], ["combinations"], ["all", "combinations"], ["combinations", "all"]]
allCombinations([`all`, `combinations`], null) // the target can be also an array
// Output: [["all"], ["combinations"], ["all", "combinations"], ["combinations", "all"]]
allCombinations(`ab`, ``) // example how to use it with letters
// Output: [ "a", "b", "ab", "ba" ]


Assert between two or more strings as they were writing in lower case

Usage: assertLower(...strings): boolean

import { assertLower } from 'utilizes/assert-lower'

assertLower(`aBc`, String(`AbC`), `ABC`)
// Output: true
assertLower(`abc`, `ABC`)
// Output: true


Convert given string to class like syntax

Usage: camelClassCase(str: string): string

import { camelClassCase } from 'utilizes/camel-class-case'

// Output: 'MrJohn'


Return characters of the english language

Usage: chars(type?: "number" | "lower" | "upper"): Array<string>

import { chars } from 'utilizes/chars'

chars() // same as chars('lower')
// Output: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
// Output: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
// Output: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']


Return characters of the english language

Usage: charsAll(): Array<string>

import { charsAll } from 'utilizes/chars-all'

// Output: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']


Return safety unique string from bunch of items

Usage: ensureUnique(toBeUniq: string | number, items: Array<typeof toBeUniq> | Array<{ [key: string]: any }>, by?: string | number): typeof toBeUniq

import { ensureUnique } from 'utilizes/ensure-unique'

ensureUnique('name', ['name', 'otherName', 'oneMoreName']) // Return the str with number in the end when the array have already the str, first time the number is 2.
// Output: "name2"
ensureUnique('dexter', [{ nickname: 'dexter' }, { nickname: 'dexter2' }], 'nickname') // The third argument is a prop to check when items are objects. default is null.
// Output: "dexter3"
ensureUnique(1, [1, 3]) // work with numbers
// Output: 2
ensureUnique('name', ['name', 'Name2'], null, true) // the fourth argument is for case insensitive checking. default is false.
// Output: "name3"


Extract last number from given string. return array with the string without the number, and the number himself

Usage: extractLastNumber(str: string): [string, number]

import { extractLastNumber } from 'utilizes/extract-last-number'

// Output: ["name", 1]
// Output: ["name", null]
// Output: ["name0", 1]


Return string with the number in the end incremented

Usage: incrementLast(str: string, defaultNum?: number): string

import { incrementLast } from 'utilizes/increment-last'

// Output: "name2"
// Output: "name02"
incrementLast('name') // When the given string does not end with number, the default number is 2
// Output: "name2"
incrementLast('name', 5) // The second argument is the default number to use when the given string does not end with number
// Output: "name5"
incrementLast('name1', 5) // defaultNum has no effect in this case
// Output: "name2"


Return the last place of a given input in a given value.

Usage: lastPlaceOf<T>(target: string | Array<T>, searchValue: string | T, startSearchFrom?: number): number

import { lastPlaceOf } from 'utilizes/last-place-of'

lastPlaceOf('abca', 'a')
// Output: 4
lastPlaceOf([1,2,3,1], 1)
// Output: 4
lastPlaceOf([1,2,3,4], 6)
// Output: 0


Check array of items and return the item with the highest suffix number. if non is found return undefined.

Usage: maxByLastNumber(prefix: string, items: { [key: string]: any; }[] | string[], by?: string | number): string

import { maxByLastNumber } from 'utilizes/max-by-last-number'

maxByLastNumber('name', ['name1', 'name2', 'otherName'])
// Output: "name2"
maxByLastNumber('dexter', [{ nickname: 'dexter3' }, { nickname: 'dexter2' }], 'nickname')
// Output: "dexter3"


Return random numeric string with specify length (default to six)

Usage: numericCode(size?: number): string

import { numericCode } from 'utilizes/numeric-code'

// Output random numeric string with length of 10 characters
numericCode() // default size is six
// Output random numeric string with length of 6 characters


Return the first place of a given input in a given value.

Usage: placeOf<T>(target: string | Array<T>, searchValue: string | T, startSearchFrom?: number): number

import { placeOf } from 'utilizes/place-of'

lastPlaceOf('abca', 'a')
// Output: 1
lastPlaceOf([1,2,3,1], 1)
// Output: 1
lastPlaceOf([1,2,3,4], 6)
// Output: 0


Adding fix to beginning of string only if the string is present.

Usage: prefix(...args: string[]): string

import { prefix } from 'utilizes/prefix'

prefix('Mr ', 'john')
// Output: 'Mr john'
prefix('Mr ', null)
// Output: ''
prefix(null, 'john')
// Output: 'john'
prefix('Mr ', 'john', ' is', ' rich')
// Output: 'Mr john is rich'
prefix('Mr ', 'john', ' is ', undefined)
// Output: 'Mr john'
prefix('Mr ', 'john', null, ' rich')
// Output: 'Mr john rich'


Adding fix to the end of a string only if the string is present.

Usage: suffix(value: string, fix: string): string

import { suffix } from 'utilizes/suffix'

suffix('Mr ', 'john')
// Output: 'Mr john'
suffix('Mr ', null)
// Output: 'Mr '
suffix(null, 'john')
// Output: ''


Get suffix from string - by splitter.

Usage: suffixFrom(subject: string, splitter: string | RegExp): string

import { suffixFrom } from 'utilizes/suffix-from'

suffixFrom(`a/b/cd `, `/`)
// Output: 'cd'


get sum of best match for the given strings

Usage: sumBestMatch(mainStrings: string[], targetStrings: string[]): { bestMatch: { target: string, rating: number }, ratings: Array<{ target: string, rating: number }> }

import { sumBestMatch } from 'utilizes/sum-best-match'

sumBestMatch(['one', 'one two', 'one two three'], ['one', 'two', 'three'])
// Output: {
//     bestMatch: { target: 'one', rating: 0.6888888888888888 },
//     ratings: [
//       { target: 'one', rating: 0.6888888888888888 },
//       { target: 'two', rating: 0.35555555555555557 },
//       { target: 'three', rating: 0.2222222222222222 }
//     ]
//   }


Convert given string to title case like

Usage: titleCase(target: string): string

import { titleCase } from 'utilizes/title-case'

// Output: 'Mr John'



This function is like native setInterval, except its stopped when the given handler returns true or an error is accrue

Usage: interval(handler: (...args) => boolean, timeout?: number, ...args): number

import { interval } from 'utilizes/interval'

let counter = 0

interval(()=> ++counter === 5)
// stopped when the counter incremented to 5
// or you can stop it manually like you stop native setInterval function ->
const handle = interval(()=> {


    if(counter === 5) clearInterval(handle)


// note: the interval is stopped when error is accrue ->
    throw new Error()
// log error to the console once and the interval no longer exist
// you can stop this behavior by using trycatch ->
        throw new Error()
// this will not stop the interval process
npm i utilizes


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 5/31/2021

