
Prints Usage For Node.JS Command-Line Applications.
cli usage help bin binary usually


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Usually Will Generate Usage Of Node.JS Command-Line Applications. It is compatible with Argufy which can save arguments in the arguments.xml file, and extract them with auto-generated JavaScript compatible with Google Closure Compiler.

yarn add -E usually

Table Of Contents


The package is available by importing its default function:

import usually from 'usually'

The types and externs for Google Closure Compiler via Depack are defined in the _usually namespace.

  config: Config,
): string

Create a string to display as a help message.

_usually.Config: The configuration object.

Name Type Description
usage* !Object<string, string> The map with possible arguments (flags, options) and their information.
description string What does the program do?
line string The summary of the program in one line.
example string The example of the program usage.
import usually from 'usually'

const res = usually({
  usage: {
    '-h': 'print help',
    '-c': 'execute this command',
  description: 'A test command-line application',
  line: 'usually [-c command|command2] [-h]',
  example: 'usually -c command2',

A test command-line application

  usually [-c command|command2] [-h]

    -h	print help
    -c	execute this command


    usually -c command2

The algorithm will tab the usage object and all new lines will appear indented to the required padding.

import usually from 'usually'

const res = usually({
  usage: {
    '-h': 'print help',
    '-c': `execute this command, that will perform
the operations on the CPU and return result
upon the full execution or terminate after
30s of inactivity.`,
  description: 'Run the usually',
Run the usually

    -h	print help
    -c	execute this command, that will perform
      	the operations on the CPU and return result
      	upon the full execution or terminate after
      	30s of inactivity.

Argufy Integration

Argufy is a program that manages arguments for CLI programs by storing them in a separate XML file so that they are readily updatable in both source code and README documentation. It also generates the script that extracts those arguments and works with Google Closure Compiler. Read More.


(c) Art Deco 2019

npm i usually


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Anton
  • released 4/12/2019

