
Fast & effecient user agent string parser. Uses uap-core (Browserscope) data for parsing. Drop-in replacement for useragent
agent browser browserscope os parse parser ua ua-parse ua-parser and 6 more...

useragent-ng - high performance user agent parser for Node.js

useragent-ng is a fork of the popular useragent library, which can parse useragent strings into machine-readable objects. For the most part, it can be used a drop-in replacement for useragent.

Differences with useragent

Most users will be able to use useragent-ng as a drop-in replacement for useragent.

  • The internal database of useragent regexps is fetched from the uap-core NPM module on install, ensuring that a current database is always available. Upgrades are automatically handled via your package-manager's dependency-resolution mechanism.
  • The update() method has been removed, as it no longer has any purpose.
  • The LRU-cache dependency has been upgraded, and now depends on Node >= 10
  • The LRU-cache library is only loaded when .lookup() is invoked.
  • Building your own extension points via useragent/features is actively-discouraged, and will be removed in a future release.


Useragent originated as port of's user agent parser project also known as ua-parser. Useragent allows you to parse user agent strings with high performance and accuracy by using hand tuned regular expressions for browser matching. This database is needed to ensure that every browser is correctly parsed as every browser vendor implements it's own user agent schema. This is why regular user agent parsers have major issues because they will most likely parse out the wrong browser name or confuse the render engine version with the actual version of the browser.

High performance

The original useragent module was developed with a benchmark driven approach.

As of September 2022, it is no longer the fastest module on modern versions of Node (v16.6.0).

NOTE: This section needs to be updated, as the competing libraries are unmaintained, and do not contain a modern database of user-agent regexes.

Starting the benchmark, parsing 62 useragent strings per run

Executed benchmark against node module: "useragent-ng"
Count (27), Cycles (3), Elapsed (5.405), Hz (503.8134678821794)

Executed benchmark against node module: "useragent_parser"
Count (173), Cycles (4), Elapsed (5.435), Hz (3163.4275145218658)

Executed benchmark against node module: "useragent-parser"
Count (60), Cycles (3), Elapsed (5.332), Hz (1131.8792574746035)

Executed benchmark against node module: "ua-parser"
Count (231), Cycles (6), Elapsed (5.439), Hz (4267.527490389378)

Module: "ua-parser" is the user agent fastest parser.

Hand tuned regular expressions

This module depends on uap-core's regexes.yaml user agent database to parse user agent strings.

This database is up-to-date thanks to contributors such as you. Feel free to submit issues and pull requests.


Installation is done using the Node Package Manager (NPM). If you don't have NPM installed on your system you can download it from

npm install useragent-ng --save

The --save flag tells NPM to automatically add it to your package.json file.


Include the useragent-ng parser in you node.js application:

var useragent = require("useragent-ng");

useragent.parse(useragent string[, js useragent]);

This is the actual user agent parser, this is where all the magic is happening. The function accepts 2 arguments, both should be a string. The first argument should the user agent string that is known on the server from the req.headers.useragent header. The other argument is optional and should be the user agent string that you see in the browser, this can be send from the browser using a xhr request or something like this. This allows you detect if the user is browsing the web using the Chrome Frame extension.

The parser returns a Agent instance, this allows you to output user agent information in different predefined formats. See the Agent section for more information.

var agent = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"]);

// example for parsing both the useragent header and a optional js useragent
var agent2 = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"], req.query.jsuseragent);

The parse method returns a Agent instance which contains all details about the user agent. See the Agent section of the API documentation for the available methods.

useragent.lookup(useragent string[, js useragent]);

This provides the same functionality as above, but it caches the user agent string and it's parsed result in memory to provide faster lookups in the future. This can be handy if you expect to parse a lot of user agent strings.

It uses the same arguments as the useragent.parse method and returns exactly the same result, but it's just cached.

var agent = useragent.lookup(req.headers["user-agent"]);

And this is a serious performance improvement as shown in this benchmark:

Executed benchmark against method: "useragent.parse"
Count (49), Cycles (3), Elapsed (5.534), Hz (947.6844321931629)

Executed benchmark against method: "useragent.lookup"
Count (11758), Cycles (3), Elapsed (5.395), Hz (229352.03831239208)


Transforms the JSON representation of a Agent instance back in to a working Agent instance

var agent = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"]),
  another = useragent.fromJSON(JSON.stringify(agent));

console.log(agent == another); string).browsername;

This api provides you with a quick and dirty browser lookup. The underlying code is usually found on client side scripts so it's not the same quality as our useragent.parse method but it might be needed for legacy reasons. returns a object with potential matched browser names["user-agent"]).firefox; // true["user-agent"]).safari; // false
var ua =["user-agent"]);

// the object
  version: "3";
  webkit: false;
  opera: false;
  ie: false;
  chrome: false;
  safari: false;
  mobile_safari: false;
  firefox: true;
  mozilla: true;
  android: false;

Agents, OperatingSystem and Device instances

Most of the methods mentioned above return a Agent instance. The Agent exposes the parsed out information from the user agent strings. This allows us to extend the agent with more methods that do not necessarily need to be in the core agent instance, allowing us to expose a plugin interface for third party developers and at the same time create a uniform interface for all versioning.

The Agent has the following property

  • family The browser family, or browser name, it defaults to Other.
  • major The major version number of the family, it defaults to 0.
  • minor The minor version number of the family, it defaults to 0.
  • patch The patch version number of the family, it defaults to 0.

In addition to the properties mentioned above, it also has 2 special properties, which are:

  • os OperatingSystem instance
  • device Device instance

When you access those 2 properties the agent will do on demand parsing of the Operating System or/and Device information.

The OperatingSystem has the same properties as the Agent.

Device has the properties:

  • family A human-readable description of the device
  • brand The device manufacturer
  • model The device's model number

If we cannot find the family, they will default to Other.

The following methods are available:


Returns the family and version number concatinated in a nice human readable string.

var agent = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"]);
agent.toAgent(); // 'Chrome 15.0.874'


Returns the results of the Agent.toAgent() but also adds the parsed operating system to the string in a human readable format.

var agent = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"]);
agent.toString(); // 'Chrome 15.0.874 / Mac OS X 10.8.1'

// as it's a to string method you can also concat it with another string
"your useragent is " + agent;
// 'your useragent is Chrome 15.0.874 / Mac OS X 10.8.1'


Returns the version of the browser in a human readable string.

var agent = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"]);
agent.toVersion(); // '15.0.874'


Generates a JSON representation of the Agent. By using the toJSON method we automatically allow it to be stringified when supplying as to the JSON.stringify method.

var agent = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"]);
agent.toJSON(); // returns an object



Generates a stringified version of operating system;

var agent = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"]);
agent.os.toString(); // 'Mac OSX 10.8.1'


Generates a stringified version of operating system's version;

var agent = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"]);
agent.os.toVersion(); // '10.8.1'


Generates a JSON representation of the OperatingSystem. By using the toJSON method we automatically allow it to be stringified when supplying as to the JSON.stringify method.

var agent = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"]);
agent.os.toJSON(); // returns an object



Generates a stringified version of device;

var agent = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"]);
agent.device.toString(); // 'Asus A100'


Generates a stringified version of device's version;

var agent = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"]);
agent.device.toVersion(); // '' , no version found but could also be '0.0.0'


Generates a JSON representation of the Device. By using the toJSON method we automatically allow it to be stringified when supplying as to the JSON.stringify method.

var agent = useragent.parse(req.headers["user-agent"]);
agent.device.toJSON(); // returns an object



For small changes between version please review the changelog.

Upgrading from useragent 2.x

  • The useragent(true) command no longer fetches a fresh set of regexps from the web, as the regexps are now provided via the uap-core NPM module, which is now a dependency of this package.

Upgrading from 1.10 to 2.0.0

  • useragent.fromAgent has been removed.
  • agent.toJSON now returns an Object, use JSON.stringify(agent) for the old behaviour.
  • agent.os is now an OperatingSystem instance with version numbers. If you still a string only representation do agent.os.toString().
  • semver has been removed from the dependencies, so if you are using the require('useragent-ng/features') you need to add it to your own dependencies

Upgrading from 0.1.2 to 1.0.0

  • useragent.browser(ua) has been renamed to
  • useragent.parser(ua, jsua) has been renamed to useragent.parse(ua, jsua).
  • result.pretty() has been renamed to result.toAgent().
  • result.V1 has been renamed to result.major.
  • result.V2 has been renamed to result.minor.
  • result.V3 has been renamed to result.patch.
  • result.prettyOS() has been removed.
  • result.match has been removed.



npm i useragent-ng


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Arnout Kazemier & Andrew Schmadel
  • released 9/7/2022

