
A minimal, offline-friendly Google Analytics Measurement Protocol client for tracking statistics in shell and javascript applications
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A minimal, offline-friendly Google Analytics Measurement Protocol client for tracking usage statistics in shell and javascript applications.

This is a low-level API client, it doesn't hold any opinion of how usage tracking should be done. If you're looking for a convention which leverages the power and flexibility of Custom Metrics and Dimensions, take a look at app-usage-stats. For the command line client see usage-stats-cli.


The most trivial example.

const UsageStats = require('usage-stats')
const usageStats = new UsageStats('UA-98765432-1', { an: 'example' })

usageStats.screenView('screen name')
usageStats.event('category', 'action')

More realistic usage in a server application:

const UsageStats = require('usage-stats')
const usageStats = new UsageStats('UA-98765432-1', {
  an: 'encode-video',
  av: '1.0.0'

// start a new session

// user set two options..
usageStats.event('option', 'verbose-level', 'infinite')
usageStats.event('option', 'preset', 'iPod')

try {
  // Begin. Track as a screenView.
} catch (err) {
  // Exception tracking
  usageStats.exception(err.message, true)

// finished - mark the session as complete
// and send stats (or store if offline).

Protocol Parameters

See here for the full list of Google Analytics Measurement Protocol parameters.

Sent by default

All parameters are send on demand, beside this list.

  • Operating System version (sent in the UserAgent)
  • Client ID (a random UUID, generated once per OS user and stored)
  • Language (process.env.LANG, if set)
  • Screen resolution (terminal rows by columns, by default)

API Reference

Kind: Exported class

new UsageStats(trackingId, [options])

Param Type Description
trackingId string Google Analytics tracking ID (required).
[options] object
[] string App name
[options.av] string App version
[options.lang] string Language. Defaults to process.env.LANG.
[] string Screen resolution. Defaults to ${process.stdout.rows}x${process.stdout.columns}.
[] string User Agent string to use.
[options.dir] string Path of the directory used for persisting clientID and queue. Defaults to ~/.usage-stats.
[options.url] string Defaults to ''.
[options.debugUrl] string Defaults to ''.


const usageStats = new UsageStats('UA-98765432-1', {
  an: 'sick app',
  av: '1.0.0'

usageStats.dir : string

Cache directory. Defaults to ~/.usage-stats.

Kind: instance property of UsageStats

usageStats.defaults : Map

A list of parameters to be to sent with every hit.

Kind: instance property of UsageStats

  .set('cd1', process.version)
  .set('cd2', os.type())
  .set('cd3', os.release())
  .set('cd4', 'api')

usageStats.start([sessionParams]) ↩︎

Starts the session.

Kind: instance method of UsageStats

Param Type Description
[sessionParams] Array.<Map> An optional map of paramaters to send with each hit in the sesison.

usageStats.end([sessionParams]) ↩︎

Ends the session.

Kind: instance method of UsageStats

Param Type Description
[sessionParams] Array.<Map> An optional map of paramaters to send with the final hit of this sesison.

usageStats.disable() ↩︎

Disable the module. While disabled, all operations are no-ops.

Kind: instance method of UsageStats

usageStats.enable() ↩︎

Re-enable the module.

Kind: instance method of UsageStats

usageStats.event(category, action, [options]) ⇒ Map

Track an event. All event hits are queued until .send() is called.

Kind: instance method of UsageStats

Param Type Description
category string Event category (required).
action string Event action (required).
[options] option
[options.el] string Event label
[options.ev] string Event value
[options.hitParams] Array.<map> One or more additional params to send with the hit.

usageStats.screenView(name, [options]) ⇒ Map

Track a screenview. All screenview hits are queued until .send() is called. Returns the hit instance.

Kind: instance method of UsageStats

Param Type Description
name string Screen name
[options] object
[options.hitParams] Array.<map> One or more additional params to set on the hit.

usageStats.exception([options]) ⇒ Map

Track a exception. All exception hits are queued until .send() is called.

Kind: instance method of UsageStats

Param Type Description
[options] object optional params
[options.exd] string Error message
[options.exf] boolean Set true if the exception was fatal
[options.hitParams] Array.<map> One or more additional params to set on the hit.

usageStats.send([options]) ⇒ Promise

Send queued stats using as few requests as possible (typically a single request - a max of 20 events/screenviews may be sent per request). If offline, the stats will be stored and re-tried on next invocation.

Kind: instance method of UsageStats
Fulfil: response[] - array of responses. Each response has data and the original node res.
Reject: Error - Rejects with the first error encountered. The error is a standard node http error with a name of request-fail and a hits property showing what failed to send.

Param Type
[options] object
[options.timeout] number

usageStats.debug() ⇒ Promise

Send any hits (including queued) to the GA validation server, fulfilling with the result.

Kind: instance method of UsageStats
Fulfil: Response[]
Reject: Error - Error instance includes hits.

usageStats.abort() ↩︎

Aborts the in-progress .send() operation, queuing any unsent hits.

Kind: instance method of UsageStats

© 2016-23 Lloyd Brookes <[email protected]>. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.

npm i usage-stats


  • MIT
  • >=4.0.0
  • Lloyd Brookes
  • released 1/16/2023

