
A simple to use Vanilla JS drag and drop file uploader
Drag and drop file uploader


This project is to (hopefully) become an extremely easy to use, fully customizable drag-and-drop file upload handler written in ES6 and compiled down to ES5.

All you need to do to get started is create a <div> with an id, then create a new UploadArea object with the id and page to POST to specified in the options:

<div id="myDragDrop">Drag Here</div>

var uploadArea = new UploadArea('myDragDrop', {sendTo:'https://myurl.com'});

Here is a full list of options/functions that can be passed to the constuctor:

Name Type Description
sendTo string URL to post files to. By default this is https://posttestserver.com/post.php.
allowDrop boolean Default value is true. When true, allows users to drag and drop files into the UploadArea for uploading.
upload function When set, this is called instead of the UploadArea default upload function. It is passed a list of File objects which can be used for custom uploading.
progress function Function to be called when upload progress is made. When overridden without the upload function being overridden, this is passed an XMLHttpRequest progress event.
complete function Called when upload has completed successfully and is passed the response message from the server.
error function Called when an error occurs during the upload process and is passed the full response from the server.
allowMultiple boolean Default value is true. When true, UploadArea will allow multiple file uploads at the same time. When false, only a single file is allowed. When multiple files are dropped onto the UploadArea and this is false, only the first file in the array is sent.
npm i uploadarea


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Dustin L. Dodson
  • released 12/8/2017

