
Small tool to upgrade dependencies across many yarn workspaces at once.
yarn cli dependencies

Upgrade Yarn Workspaces Deps

Super simple tool to upgrade deps across all your yarn workspaces. May be largely made obsolete by Yarn 2.

Problem: You have a project with many workspaces, and many dependencies, and you want to upgrade a subset of them. For instance, maybe you require many different jest packages, and you'd like to upgrade or remove them all.

Solution #1: Edit them all by hand. If your project is small enough, this works fine.

Solution #2: Use yarn upgrade-interactive. This works unless:

  • You have so many outdated dependencies that the interactive list is painful to search through, even with yarn's --scope flag.
  • You want to remove instead of upgrade packages.
  • You want to specify an exact version to upgrade to, and you can't specify that version through yarn's --latest, --caret, or --tilde flags.

Solution #3: Use this tool.

$ upgrade-yarn-workspace-deps --pattern <regex that will match the package name you want to upgrade>

For instance, imagine you had a workspace with packages nf-foo-framework, odp, foo, nf-foo-bar, foo-jest-matchers, eslint-plugin-foo, and @foo/sample. You'd like to upgrade all Jest-related packages. You can run:

$ upgrade-yarn-workspace-deps --pattern '^jest' --dry
yarn workspace nf-foo-framework add --dev jest-matcher-deep-close-to@latest
yarn workspace odp add  jest-diff@latest
yarn workspace eslint-plugin-foo add --dev jest-util@latest
yarn workspace nf-foo-bar add --dev jest@latest
yarn workspace foo-jest-matchers add  jest-snapshot@latest
yarn workspace foo add  jest@latest
yarn workspace foo add  jest-circus@latest
yarn workspace foo add  jest-each-table@latest
yarn workspace foo add  jest-extended@latest
yarn workspace foo add  jest-html-reporters@latest
yarn workspace foo add  jest-mock-now@latest
yarn workspace foo add  jest-runner-eslint@latest
yarn workspace foo add  jest-watch-select-projects@latest
yarn workspace foo add  jest-watch-typeahead@latest
yarn workspace @foo/sample add  jest-matcher-utils@latest

Run --help for more detail:

  --help             Show help                                         [boolean]
  --version          Show version number                               [boolean]
  --pattern          Regex that will be matched against the dependency name.
                     Tip: for an exact match, pass '^package-name$'. To match
                     packages that match only part of the pattern, use
                     negative-lookaheads. For instance, to match all 'babel'
                     packages but not 'babel-jest', pass 'babel(?!-jest)'.
                                                             [string] [required]
  --dry              If true, print the yarn commands that will be run, but do
                     not actually run them.                            [boolean]
  --remove           Remove packages instead of adding them.           [boolean]
  --print-metadata   Print all dependencies and dependents that will be touched.
                     Requires --dry to also be passed.                 [boolean]
  --install-version  The version to install.                            [string]
npm i upgrade-yarn-workspaces-deps


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 9/11/2020

