
Interacting with Sparkart's [Universe API](http://docs.services.sparkart.net), using [SolidusClient](https://github.com/solidusjs/solidus-client)! The Universe module inherits from the SolidusClient module.


Interacting with Sparkart's Universe API, using SolidusClient! The Universe module inherits from the SolidusClient module.



var Universe = require('universe-js');
var universe = new Universe({key: '12345'});
universe.context = {...};


  • environment - The Universe API to use, choices are production and staging. Defaults to production.
  • key - The Universe API key to use.


Fetches the current fanclub and logged-in customer. If the instance's context already contains a resources.fanclub key, it is used instead of being fetched from the API. The callback argument is optional.

universe.init(function(err, data) {
  if (err) throw err;
  if (data.customer) {
    // The customer is logged in
universe.on('error', function(err) {
  throw err;
universe.on('ready', function(data) {
  if (data.customer) {
    // The customer is logged in

Callback arguments:

  • err - Error that occured while retrieving the resources.
  • data - Object containing the current fanclub and customer. customer is available only if the customer is logged in.

Emitted events:

  • error - Called with the same err argument as the callback.
  • ready - Called with the same data argument as the callback.


Same as solidus_client.render but the resources can be Universe endpoints.

var view = {
  resources: {
    events: '/events',
    other: 'http://www.other.com'
universe.render(view, function(err, html) {
  // ...


Fetch a resource. The URL can be a Universe endpoint.

universe.get('/events', function(err, data) {
  // ...


Post to a resource. The URL can be a Universe endpoint.

universe.post('/account', {...}, function(err, data) {
  // ...


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Joannic Laborde
  • released 6/23/2020
