
Admin REST client for the AeroGear UnifiedPush Server
AeroGear UnifiedPush Unified Push Node.js REST

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Unified Push Admin Client

A client for connecting to the AeroGear UnifiedPush servers admin REST API - https://aerogear.org/docs/specs/aerogear-unifiedpush-rest/#home

API Documentation



'use strict';

let adminClient = require('unifiedpush-admin-client');

let baseUrl = '';

let settings = {
    username: 'admin',
    password: 'admin'

adminClient(baseUrl, settings)
  .then((client) => {
    return client.applications.find()
      .then((applications) => {
        console.log('applications', applications);
  .catch((err) => {
    console.log('Error', err);


The 0.2.0 release brings in the methods to interact with the Variants. To learn more about what exactly a variant is in terms of the Unified Push Server, checkout their docs here: https://aerogear.org/docs/unifiedpush/ups_userguide/index/#_useful_terminology

The find method for variants is similiar to the find method for applications. The difference is that you need to specify a type along with the pushAppId

Example of Find all Variants for Type for a Push Application(note: we are only showing a snippet of code here. assume we have the client object already)

const variantOptions = {
  type: 'android'

client.variants.find(variantOptions).then((variants) => {
  console.log(variants); // will show the list of android variants

For the available Device Types, there is a constant called client.DEVICE_TYPES for convience, https://github.com/bucharest-gold/unifiedpush-admin-client/blob/master/lib/device-types.js

Create example:

const variantOptions = {
  name: 'My Cool App',
  type: 'android',
  android: {
    googleKey: 'SOME_GOOGLE_API_KEY',

client.variants.create(variantOptions).then((variant) => {
  console.log(variant); // will be the created variant with some extra meta-data added

This above example specifies the type as android, so we therefore must have an anrdoid object with the specific thing an android variant needs.

If the type was adm for Amazom push, then we would need an adm object with those specific options


There is also a convience method under applications called client.applications.boostrap.

Use can create a Push Application with Variants in one shot. Check the documentation for all available options, but here is a quick example:

const bootstrapper = {
        pushApplicationName: 'Boostrap All',
        androidVariantName: 'Android Name',
        androidGoogleKey: '12345',
        androidProjectNumber: '54321',
        iosVariantName: 'iOS Name',
        iosPassphrase: 'redhat',
        iosCertificate: __dirname + '/../../build/test-ios-cert.p12',
        simplePushVariantName: 'SimplePush Name',
        windowsVariantName: 'Windows Name',
        windowsType: 'wns',
        windowsSid: '12345',
        windowsClientSecret: 'secret',
        admVariantName: 'ADM Name',
        admClientId: '12345',
        admClientSecret: 'secret'

    client.applications.bootstrap(bootstrapper).then((app) => {

Notable Changes from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0

  • All Variant Types have been implemented
  • Integration Tests added

Server Setup

At the moment, you must enable "Direct Access Grants" on the UnifiedPush Server for this to work.

Note on Testing

For testing we are using a slightly modified version of the UnifiedPush Server. It is based off of this PR: https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-unifiedpush-server/pull/677 and uses scenario 3. The modified built war is located here: https://github.com/lholmquist/aerogear-unified-push-server/releases/tag/0.0.1

The reason for doing this allows us to more easily script the setup/testing process. The only thing that PR really does is decouple keycloak and the UPS, it does not change how the REST endpoints work, just how to authenticate to them.

Once that PR is merged then we can point to the official release.

Running the build/start-server.sh and build/start-kc-server.sh will setup both the unified push server and keycloak server for local testing

npm i unifiedpush-admin-client


