
A WHATWG Fetch implementation based on @nodejs/undici


npm i undici-fetch

Built on Undici


View all benchmarks here


The default export for this module is a fetch client instance fetch. It uses the top level Undici.Request() method. This project exposes the global dispatcher methods getGlobalDispatcher and setGlobalDispatcher if they need special configuration.


default: fetch

named exports:

Default Method: fetch(resource, [init])

  • resource string | Request | URL
  • init RequestInit (optional)

Returns: Promise<Response>

// import and initialize all-at-once
const fetch = require('undici-fetch')()

// Promise Chain
  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(json => console.log(json))

// Async/Await
const res = await fetch('https://example.com')
const json = await res.json()

Class: Headers

Represents a WHATWG Fetch Spec Headers Class

new Headers([init])

  • init Headers | Iterable<[string, string]> | string[] | Record<string, string> (optional) - Initial header list to be cloned into the new instance
new Headers()

new Headers([
    ["undici", "fetch"]

new Headers([ 'undici', 'fetch' ])

const headers = new Headers({
    "undici": "fetch"

new Headers(headers)

Instance Methods

Headers.append(name, value)

  • name string
  • value string

Returns: void

Non-destructive operation for adding header entries. When called multiple times with the same name, the values will be collected in a list and returned together when retrieved using Headers.get.

When value is not a string, the value will be stringified.

const headers = new Headers()

headers.append('key', ['value', 'value2'])
headers.get('key') // -> 'value,value2'

headers.append('undici', 'fetch')
headers.get('undici') // -> 'fetch'

headers.append('foobar', 'fuzz')
headers.append('foobar', 'buzz')
headers.get('foobar') // -> 'fuzz, buzz'


  • name string

Returns: void

Removes a header entry. This operation is destructive and cannot be restored. Does not throw an error if the given name does not exist. Reminder that Headers.get will return null if the name does not exist.

const headers = new Headers()

headers.append('undici', 'fetch')

headers.get('undici') // -> 'fetch'


headers.get('undici') // -> null


  • name string

Returns: string | null

Retrieves a header entry. If the entry name has multiple values, they are returned as a string joined by ',' characters. If the name does not exist, this method returns null.

const headers = new Headers()

headers.append('undici', 'fetch')
headers.get('undici') // -> 'fetch'

headers.append('foobar', 'fuzz')
headers.append('foobar', 'buzz')
headers.get('foobar') // -> 'fuzz, buzz'

headers.get('nodejs') // -> null


  • name string

Returns boolean

Checks for the existence of a given entry name.

const headers = new Headers()

headers.append('undici', 'fetch')
headers.has('undici') // -> true

Headers.set(name, value)

  • name string
  • value string

Returns: void

Destructive operation that will override any existing values for the given entry name. For a non-destructive alternative see Headers.append.

When value is not a string, the value will be stringified.

const headers = new Headers()

headers.set('foobar', 'fuzz')
headers.get('foobar') // -> 'fuzz'

headers.set('foobar', 'buzz')
headers.get('foobar') // -> 'buzz'


Returns: IteratableIterator<string>

Yields a list of header values combined and sorted by their respective keys.

const headers = new Headers()

headers.set('abc', '123')
headers.set('def', '456')
headers.set('ghi', '789')
headers.append('ghi', '012')

for (const value of headers.values()) {

// -> '123'
// -> '456'
// -> '789, 012'


Returns: IteratableIterator<string>

Yields a sorted list of header keys.

const headers = new Headers()

headers.set('abc', '123')
headers.set('def', '456')
headers.set('ghi', '789')
headers.append('ghi', '012')

for (const name of headers.keys()) {

// -> 'abc'
// -> 'def'
// -> 'ghi'

Headers.forEach(callback, [thisArg])

  • callback (value: string, key: string, iterable: Headers) => void
  • thisArg any (optional)

Returns: void

A Headers class can be iterated using .forEach(callback, [thisArg]).

Optionally a thisArg can be passed which will be assigned to the this context of callback.

The headers are returned in a sorted order, and values are combined on similar keys.

const headers = new Headers([['abc', '123']])

headers.forEach(function (value, key, headers) {
    console.log(key, value)
// -> 'abc', '123'


Returns: Iterator<[string, string]>

A Headers class instance is iterable. It yields each of its entries as a pair where the first value is the entry name and the second value is the header value. They are sorted by name or otherwise referred to as the header key.

const headers = new Headers()

headers.set('abc', '123')
headers.set('def', '456')
headers.set('ghi', '789')
headers.append('ghi', '012')

for (const [name, value] of headers) {
    console.log(name, value)

// -> 'abc', '123'
// -> 'def', '456'
// -> 'ghi', '789, 012'


Returns: IteratableIterator<[string, string]>

Yields a list of headers sorted and combined by key.

const headers = new Headers()

headers.set('abc', '123')
headers.set('def', '456')
headers.set('ghi', '789')
headers.append('ghi', '012')

for (const entry of headers.entries()) {

// -> 'abc', '123'
// -> 'def', '456'
// -> 'ghi', '789, 012'

Class: Request

Implemets: BodyMixin

Represents a WHATWG Fetch Spec Request Class

new Request(input, [init])

  • input Request | string | URL
  • init object (optional)
    • method string (optional) - Defaults to 'GET'
    • headers Headers | HeadersInit (optional)
    • body AsyncIterable | Iterable | null | undefined (optional)
      • keepalive boolean (optional)
      • redirect string (optional)
      • integrity string (optional)
      • signal AbortSignal (optional)

Creates a new Request object. The resulting instance can be passed directly to the fetch method. The input string will be transformed into a Node.js URL instance.

const request = new Request('https://example.com', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: 'undici-fetch'

const res = await fetch(request)

Instance Properties:


  • URL

A Node.js URL Class instance representing the destination of the Request instance


  • string

A property representing the type of the Request instance. Will be normalized to uppercase format and validated as one of http.METHODS.


  • Headers

A Headers class instance representing the Headers instance for the request instance.


  • string


  • string


  • boolean


  • AbortSignal

Instance Methods:


Returns: Request

Will throw an Error if the current instance Responce.bodyUsed is true. Returns a new Request instance based on the existing instance.

const request = new Request('https://example.com')

const newRequest = request.clone()

console.log(newRequest.url) // => 'https://example.com'

Class: Response

Extends: Body

Represents a WHATWG Fetch Spec Response Class

new Response(body, [init])

  • body AsyncIterable | Iterable | null | undefined
  • init object (optional)
    • status number (optional) - Defaults to 200
    • statusText string (optional) - Defaults to ''
    • headers Headers | HeadersInit (optional)

Creates a new Response object. This is the result resolved from a successful fetch() call. Remember that this class extends from Body so you can use methods such as .text() and .json().

const response = new Response('undici-fetch')

if (response.ok) {
    const text = await response.text()

    console.log(text) // -> 'undici-fetch'

Instance Properties


  • Headers

A property representing a Headers instance for the response.


  • boolean

A property representing if the response is ok. A Response is considered ok if the status is between 200 and 299 inclusive.


  • number

A property representing the status code of the response.


  • string

A property representing the status of the response instance. If returned from fetch(), it will be based on http.STATUS_CODES.


  • string

Defaults to 'default'. A property representing the type of response instance. Currently only used to indicate an error response from Response.error().

Instance Methods


Returns: Response

Will throw an Error if the current instance Responce.bodyUsed is true.

Static Methods


Returns: Response

Generates a Response instance with type set to 'error' and a body set to null.

const errorResponse = Response.error()

Response.redirect(url, status)

  • url string - The redirect location--will be assigned to a 'location' header
  • status number - Must be one of: 301, 302, 303, 307, or 308

Returns: Response

const redirectResponse = Response.redirect('https://example.com', 301)

Function: BodyMixin

Represents a WHATWG Fetch Spec Body Mixin.

Use the mixin by called BodyMixin with the prototype of an object.

class Response {
    constructor (body) {
        this[kBody] = body


const response = new Response('undici-fetch')

response.body // -> ControlledAsyncIterable from input 'undici-fetch'



  • ControlledAsyncIterable | null

A property representing the payload of the instance. ControlledAsyncIterable is a mock WHATWG Readable Stream. It implements the disturbed property so that the Fetch api can operate accordingly.


  • boolean

A property representing the consumption state of the instance. Do not confuse this property with the Node.js stream state. This property is used by the other instance methods for indicating to other parts of the API if the body has been consumed or not.



Returns: Promise<Buffer>

Returns the body content as a Node.js Buffer instance.

const response = new Response('undici-fetch')

const buf = await response.arrayBuffer()
console.log(buf instanceof Buffer) // -> true
console.log(buf.toString('utf8')) // -> 'undici-fetch'


Returns: never

Currently, this implementation does not support returning content as a blob. Calling this method will throw an error. This may change in future API updates.

const response = new Response('undici-fetch')

try {
    await response.blob()
} catch (err) {
    console.log(err.message) // -> 'Response.blob() is not supported yet by undici-fetch'


Returns: never

Currently, this implementation does not support returning content as a blob. Calling this method will throw an error. This may change in future API updates.

const response = new Response('undici-fetch')

try {
    await response.formData()
} catch (err) {
    console.log(err.message) // -> 'Response.formData() is not supported yet by undici-fetch'


Returns: Promise<any>

Returns the body content as a JSON object.

const content = JSON.stringify({ undici: 'fetch' })
const response = new Response(content)

const data = await response.json()

console.log(data) // -> { undici: 'fetch' }


Returns: Promise<string>

Returns the body content as a UTF-8 string.

const response = new Response('undici-fetch')

const text = await response.text()

console.log(text) // -> 'undici-fetch'


Similar to Undici, this module ships with its own TypeScript definitions. Make sure to install @types/node as well.

Spec Omissions

Fetch is a browser API, but this library is written in Node.js. We try to be as spec compliant as possible; however, some aspects just cannot be recreated on the server. All Fetch WHATWG Spec omissions are detailed here. Each part should have a summary of the omission, plus links to relevant spec section and additional documentation.

Entries in this section have been considered for the implementation and explicitly ommitted. If you do not find an aspect of the Fetch API listed here that is also missing from the implementation, open an issue describing the feature request.


Any CORS-related aspects of the Fetch api has been omitted from this implementation.

npm i undici-fetch


  • MIT
  • >=14.0.0
  • Ethan Arrowood
  • released 7/6/2021

