
Functional style utilities for authoring JavaScript style objects
style css css-in-js utility


Functional style utilities for authoring JavaScript style objects

Build Status js-standard-style

npm i understyle
// Example
import _style from 'understyle'

const style = _style({
  m: 2,
  flex: true
// { margin: 16, display: 'flex' }

Usage in React, etc.

Understyle is intended for use in functional component-based UI systems, like React. It can be used in any framework and for either inline styles or with any CSS-in-JS library.

// Example component
import React from 'react'
import _style from 'understyle'

const MyComponent = ({ children, ...props }) => {
  const style = {
    color: 'tomato'

  return <div style={style}>{children}</div>

export default MyComponent
// Example component instance
return (
    <MyComponent p={2} mb={4}>


The following keys can be passed in to understyle.


_style({ display: 'block' })


The width prop accepts number values. Any number larger than 1 is returned as a number, to be handled with React inline styles or other CSS-in-JS solutions. Any number between 0 and 1 will become a percentage width.

_style({ width: 1 / 2 }) // { width: '50%' }
_style({ width: 1 })     // { width: '100%' }
_style({ width: 64 })    // { width: 64 }


Margin props are set based on a spacing scale for numbers 1–4. Any number above 4 will return the raw number value.

  margin: 0,        // margin: 0
  marginBottom: 3,  // marginBottom: 32
  marginX: 12       // marginLeft: 12, marginRight: 12

Shorthand props are also available.

  m: 0,   // margin: 0
  mb: 3, // marginBottom: 32
  mx: 12 // marginLeft: 12, marginRight: 12,


Padding also supports longform and shorthand keys.

  p: 0,   // padding: 0
  paddingLeft: 2, // paddingLeft: 16
  py: 48  // paddingTop: 48, paddingBottom: 48


  fontSize: 16,     // fontSize: 16
  align: 'center',  // textAlign: 'center'
  bold: true,       // fontWeight: 'bold'
  caps: true,       // textTransform: 'uppercase', letterSpacing: '.1em'

Font size also accepts numbers representing steps on the configured type scale, for any number below 7

_style({ fontSize: 1 })
// fontSize: 48


  flexWrap: 'wrap',     // flexWrap: 'wrap'
  alignItems: 'center', // alignItems: 'center'
  justifyContent: 'space-between', // justifyContent: 'space-between'
  flexDirection: 'column', // flexDirection: 'column'
  flexAuto: true,       // flex: '1 1 auto'
  flexNone: true,       // flex: 'none'


Color props accept strings as either keys from the configured color object or raw color values.

  color: 'blue', // color: '#07c'
  backgroundColor: 'tomato', // color: 'tomato'
  borderColor: '#eee', // color: '#eee'


_style({ border: true })
// border: '1px solid'

_style({ border: false })
// border: 0

_style({ border: 3 })
// border: '3px solid'

_style({ borderTop: true })
// borderTop: '1px solid'

_style({ borderRight: true })
// borderRight: '1px solid'

_style({ borderBottom: true })
// borderBottom: '1px solid'

_style({ borderLeft: true })
// borderLeft: '1px solid'

Border Radius

_style({ rounded: true })
// borderRadius: 2

_style({ rounded: false })
// borderRadius: 0

_style({ rounded: 'top' })
// borderRadius: '2px 2px 0 0'

_style({ rounded: 'right' })
// borderRadius: '0 2px 2px 0'

_style({ rounded: 'bottom' })
// borderRadius: '0 0 2px 2px'

_style({ rounded: 'left' })
// borderRadius: '2px 0 0 2px'

Responsive Styles

All props accept arrays to set styles for multiple breakpoints, where the first value is no breakpoint, then the following values are from the small breakpoint up, for a mobile-first styling approach.

  width: [
    1 / 2,
    1 / 3,
    1 / 4,
// {
//   width: '100%',
//   '@media screen and (min-width:40em)': {
//     width: '50%'
//   },
//   '@media screen and (min-width:52em)': {
//     width: '33.333333%'
//   },
//   '@media screen and (min-width:64em)': {
//     width: '25%'
//   }
// }

This helps create a succinct syntax for use in React components.

// Example
<Box width={[ 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 ]} />

Arrays work for any understyle property, and null values can be passed to the array to skip breakpoints.

  margin: [ 0, null, 16, 32 ],
  padding: [ null, null, 16, 32 ],
  border: [ null, null, true ]

Shorthand Props

Understyle provides shorthand props for setting common styles. Each shorthand prop accepts a boolean value.

  mb4: true

These are provided as a convenience for use in React.

// Example
<Button mb4 />

The following boolean keys can be passed to understyle.

  • block - display block
  • inlineBlock - display inline-block
  • inline
  • table
  • tableRow
  • tableCell
  • flex
  • inlineFlex
  • m0 - m4 - margin
  • mt0 - mt4 - margin-top
  • mr0 - mr4 - margin-right
  • mb0 - mb4 - margin-bottom
  • ml0 - ml4 - margin-left
  • p0 - p4 - padding
  • pt0 - pt4 - padding-top
  • pr0 - pr4 - padding-right
  • pb0 - pb4 - padding-bottom
  • pl0 - pl4 - padding-left
  • left - text align left
  • center - text align center
  • right - text align right
  • justify - text align justify
  • bg - background color
  • <COLOR> - foreground color - e.g. red
  • bg<COLOR> - background color - e.g. bgRed
  • border<COLOR> - border color - e.g. borderRed

MIT License

npm i understyle


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Brent Jackson
  • released 3/7/2017

